Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


WHY ANOINTED PEOPLE ARE OFTEN BORN INTO TOXIC FAMILIES Being born into a toxic family can be extremely challenging to endure.  When a father or mother emotionally abuses their children or worse it usually causes the abused child to have significant issues as they grow older and many never recover as they are angry or sad and feel broken.  But for those who will become anointed to do great things for the Lord it allows that person ultimately to develop powerful  perseverance in overcoming extreme obstacles in life. As they learn how to forgive everyone who hurt them they begin to have their eyes opened spiritually of why their family was so toxic due to their family & relative’s own hurts and wounds when they were growing up and how they never got healed so they developed unforgiveness and bitterness which gave demons legal rights to torment their minds.  By enduring the toxic behaviors and overcoming through forgiveness they became a very strong anointed instrument of the Lord when completing their healing and deliverance. They are able to minister to thousands of people because they know what it’s like to be hurt and yet forge through the pain and overcome.…


YOUR PAST PAIN HAS QUALIFIED & ANOINTED YOU TO HELP OTHERS   Many who have been greatly hurt in the past have some of the greatest and strongest anointings from God to help others to be healed from the very same pain and trauma. When we have obeyed the Bible and forgiven everyone who hurt us like Jesus did then God anoints us to help others who are going through similar wounds to learn how to forgive and heal. When we choose to forgive those who hurt us then it allows our sins to also be forgiven by God according to Matthew 6:14-15. You are able to understand why those who hurt you did what they did because they were hurt and wounded and had demons that tormented their minds and caused them to hurt you. Then God uses that experience to anoint you to help others to heal from the same pain you endured through forgiveness.  Your past painful experiences literally allow you to minister to others who have been hurt and abused in similar ways. You have a testimony of overcoming to encourage others. You learn not to take offense when others try to hurt you today. You…


HARMFUL EXPERIENCES FROM YOUR PAST HAVE QUALIFIED YOU FOR MINISTRY TODAY  There are many of you who were hurt deeply by your father, mother, step parent, siblings, relatives, church people, friends, workplace colleagues, exposed to porn or sexually molested but the Lord has healed you from your wounds through forgiveness and deliverance to allow you now to minister to people today with all your past personal experiences of pain to draw from.  Understand when we get hurt and wounded as children we will usually hurt and wound people as adults until we walk through true forgiveness, repentance and deliverance. Then we have the same compassion like Jesus and can minister to others with the same hurts and wounds in a very strong and effective way to lead them to forgive and be delivered and freed.  Experience is the best teacher although can be the most painful. Many religious people want to disqualify those who have done bad things or appear to not have the elite religious training or education but then you think about all those in the Bible that God used and you understand it’s not who you used to be but who you have become today. Moses was…


JEZEBEL / NARCISSISTS WERE SLOWLY KILLING YOU BUT NOW YOU ARE THRIVING Many have had to separate themselves from people who were Narcissistic and had the Jezebel spirit because they realized they were feeling like they were slowly dying. They no longer had life, felt sick frequently, felt hopeless, depressed, alone, even suicidal and some got diseases.  So once the Lord confirmed to them that they needed to get away from their abuser because the abuser would not change - the abuser told them that they would never make it without them.  For some it took a few months to recover from the abuser - many more it took longer to recover because they were under the abuse for many more years - but now the peace that you walk in feels amazing.  You learned to forgive your abuser from your heart and given all your emotional hurts and pain to Jesus and He healed you. You received a Doctorate degree from the Lord in the fruit of the spirit known as long suffering! Your health has improved greatly, your hair is now healthy, you are physically, emotionally and spiritually stronger than ever before, and now you are helping others…


Many people in the church want to receive the strongest anointing from the Lord and have the most prominent positions as possible, but if they realized the cost it took to receive it would usually say no.   I never had a desire to do anything in ministry ever in my life.  My goal was to make as much money as possible, travel the world, enjoy a good life for myself, and die.  If I could influence a few people to come to Christ along the way then great.  Then one week I was invited to attend a Morris Cerullo conference in Nashville, TN in January 2009. I was prophesied over by three different evangelists and pastors my first time ever.  All three said that I would lead a ministry that would help people around the world to change their lives from messes and misery to peace and joy.  That I would flow in the gifts of prophecy, healing and deliverance.  I watched that week as Morris spoke and had other ministry people including Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bohnke, Myles Munroe,  Steve Munsey,  Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, Mike Murdock amongst others.  It all looked amazing to me as the Lord began to…

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