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Tag: revival
Thursday, August 27 2020
I have been hearing many people talk lately about how excited they are about revivals and calling themselves revivalists. What is revival? The dictionary describes it as an improvement in the condition or strength of something, an instance of something becoming popular, active or important again, an awakening in a church or community of interest in and care for matters relating to personal religion. The truth is that revival is impossible until people make a conscious effort to get delivered from the demons tormenting their minds and thoughts through forgiving people who have hurt them in their past and repenting for their pride and sin. I have heard from thousands of people since 2015 when I began my ministry how they felt so much more godly, peaceful, more joyful, humble and sexually pure and clean after they had gone through inner healing and deliverance. They no longer heard the tens of thousands of demonic thoughts that they used to have and thus their behavior changed to aligning more with the fruit of the spirit. They got along with their spouse and children. They often received healing in their bodies. They heard from the Lord in their minds instead of demons.…

Monday, June 8 2020
Matthew 4:17 New King James Version (NKJV) 17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Many Christians around the globe have been crying out for revival for many years. Unfortunately the main issue is that without true repentance we will not be able to see lasting revival and that starts with the church leadership. We need to see church leaders who humble themselves before the Lord by repenting for their sins and pursuing righteousness in their hearts, and living a life of holiness. When people grow up they get wounded in their souls by their mothers, fathers, step parents, siblings and others. They get sexually violated, emotionally and even physically hurt. Every time we get hurt by other people our soul gets wounded and then demons are able to legally attach to us by tormenting our thoughts. Then when we get married and relationships we tend to get into arguments and strife with the person we initially used to love. Then we become married and miserable and often go through a divorce and then get remarried and unless we get our soul wounds healed and delivered from the demons tormenting our thoughts,…

Monday, December 11 2017
True revival occurs when the church gets delivered from the influence of demons
If a person gives their life to the Lord, then joins a church where they are being taught by a pastor or other leaders who are operating in the spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan, what happens? Unfortunately they will be hurt because those spirits in the leadership will control, manipulate, lie, deceive, lead people into pride and otherwise cause them to be hurt and shut down. They will condemn them into feeling worthless and belittled. They will cause them to become religious and not operate in the true freedom of the Lord. If they teach them about their identity in Christ yet discourage them from getting delivered from the influence of demonic voices whispering in their heads that have a legal right to continue to harm them, they will never be able to truly walk in freedom. Thus until the church leaders and ministries get themselves right and pure in the Lord, being honest and forthright, being set freed from any demonic voices that are causing them to control and manipulate other people, then revival will not be able to occur and be long lasting. Jezebel and Leviathan are causing most churches to be stagnant or people are changing churches…