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Tag: soul wounds
Friday, July 5 2024
INNER HEALING & DELIVERANCE SAVES YOU THOUSANDS OF $ EACH YEAR When people get their soul wounds healed and delivered from demons they save thousands of dollars every year: -Sin becomes rare in their lives which saves a lot of money -Addictions for food, drugs, smoking, vaping, alcohol, lust and sex are removed which saves thousands a year -When you are delivered from pride you don’t feel compelled to over spend on your image with houses, cars, TVs, your looks, clothing, etc - You treat your spouse with love and respect, no more porn or affairs or prostitutes or STDs - so you have a healthy sex life of true intimacy - You are not jealous, selfish, evil, angry, depressed, or suicidal - you have peace which reduces stress and improves health - As you walk in much better health you don’t need to see doctors or stay in hospitals or be reliant on drugs - When people are delivered they are in their right mind so don’t need money spent on mental health, psychologists, psychiatrists or therapists - People behave in the ways they should so no one needs to go to court, hire attorneys to handle disputes…

Thursday, December 28 2023
IT’S HARD TO HAVE GODLY FRUIT WHEN YOU HEAR DEMONIC THOUGHTS ALL DAY How many negative thoughts do you have each day? Thoughts that cause you to have fear. To think a lustful, impure sexual thought? To have thoughts of anger, jealousy, betrayal, rejection, have bitterness, pride, lying…all these are demonic and when you hear a couple thousand of these every day – it will be impossible for you to have godly fruit in your life. Fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. So many people who attend church struggle every day to try to be good yet failing due to being inundated with negative thoughts from demons and then agreeing with those thoughts. This is the true invisible enemy that is a worldwide pandemic that has been going on for centuries. People who get wounded in their lives from their mother, father, siblings, relatives, friends or enemies will hear demonic thoughts in their minds. Their souls have been wounded. Souls are comprised of their mind (thoughts), wills (free wills to choose) and emotions (anger, joy, selfishness, selflessness, jealousy, etc). The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 and found that some people have…

Tuesday, September 26 2023
HOW TO KNOW WHEN DEMONS ARE MANIFESTING IN PEOPLE Most people around the world are tormented by demons in their mind (thoughts) and then manifest without even realizing it. Many who attend church and would call themselves Christians also hear from demons in their thoughts (let alone those who are outside the church). The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 and learned that the average person could have 12,000 or more thoughts a day of which 80% of the thoughts would be negative and 95% of the thoughts were repetitive of the thoughts from the days before. Demons gain access to people when we endure various wounds in our souls (mind, will and emotions) or when we are physically or sexually harmed as well as when we willingly choose to sin and choose to make confessions to Satan through various ungodly organizations (Freemasons, Shriners, Eastern Star, Skull & Bones, etc.) or if our father or mother or grandparents also have made confessions to Satan through organizations and cursed us. A soul wound could be someone showing you pornography, speaking words to you that hurt you (could be soft and gentle or harsh and loud), getting rejected by someone…

Saturday, July 29 2023
MANY MINISTER INCORRECTLY FROM THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES & PERSPECTIVE Often people minister incorrectly from what they have personally experienced in their own lives. They project their own experience on others whose situations could have some similarities or not be anything alike. For instance, if a pastor has never been emotionally abused by his wife then when he counsels a man who has endured years of abuse from a wife struggling with the Jezebel spirit then the pastor cannot understand what that would be like. So his counsel could be to “Just love her like Christ until she changes” or “Pray in tongues every day for 30 minutes” or “Fast for a week” or “do what she wants you to do” of which nothing works to change the man’s wife to behave in a loving and godly way because Jezebel will not leave the woman by doing those things due to legal rights to stay (unforgiveness, pride, sin) and the woman’s freewill. So the pastor gives counsel that is not wise and it’s due to him not having any experience with dealing with Jezebel in his own wife or with anyone else who operates in that spirit. Most pastors, counselors, psychologists…

Wednesday, May 24 2023
GOD HATES EMOTIONAL ABUSE IN RELATIONSHIPS Many people want to only think of God as an all loving, look the other way on people’s sins with no negative consequences for people’s actions, who tolerates those who abuse others emotionally while giving us hyper grace to get into heaven after we have died never holding us accountable for our bad behavior and thinking nothing of our fruits of the flesh and never looking at the intentions of our hearts and minds. But God is a God of justice and He knows the truth about all of us. He knows how we treat our spouse and children and other people and it all matters. He knows if we are emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually abusive or perverse. And the Bible says he hates abuse, perversity, lying, and doing evil. There are many people who abuse their spouse their entire marriage and unfortunately use the religious people in the church to protect them by shouting the “God hates divorce” scripture in order to keep them chained to their abuser in marriage while ignoring the scriptures about their own abuse of their spouse which causes many to reluctantly desire to leave them so they…

Tuesday, March 14 2023
CORE VS ALTERNATE PERSONALITIES When we get hurt growing up by a parent, sibling, classmate, neighbor, teacher, friend or anyone and are not able to forgive them demons will gain legal rights to affect our soul. Our soul is made up of our mind (thoughts), will and emotions and when we have been hurt and not healed we will not be able to live in a calm and peaceful core state as our emotions and thoughts will be triggered. Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-15 that if we refuse to forgive others who hurt us then God will refuse to forgive us for our sins. So as we grow older and become accustomed to hearing demonic voices in our heads (that sound like our own thoughts) or feeling strong emotions then we will trigger into alternate personalities. We will overreact in our responses to people over simple things. We will become angry, enraged, take offense easily, raise our voices, or give people the silent treatment to control them passively, or behave jealously due to our insecurities and unhealed soul wounds. We will not behave consistently in our core personality which is who we really would be most of the time when…

Wednesday, February 22 2023
LOVING YOUR PRODIGAL CHILDREN I have done thousands of personal healing and deliverance sessions for people around the world since 2015. Most all have been hurt by their parents in some way. Mostly through emotionally being wounded or abused. Some through physical abuse and some by sexual abuse. Many have been hurt through sexual violations, exposure to porn, molested, raped, etc. Children simply want to be loved by their parents, unconditionally. But the fact is that most all of their parents were hurt by their own parents and in other ways. Thus when a child gets hurt by a parent they often don’t forgive them and harbor unforgiveness or bitterness towards them which allow demonic spirits to torment their mind with lies, sadness, anger and hatred feeling rejected or abandoned and not good enough. “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;” Hebrews 12:14-15 NKJV So it is critical if we as a parent have hurt our children by the words or actions we have said or…

Wednesday, November 30 2022
IF YOU HAVE UNHEALED SOUL WOUNDS YOU WILL MANIFEST When we grow up we all get hurt in a myriad of ways, but some get hurt more than others. We get emotionally hurt from words spoken to us that are mean and harsh or condemning. We also get hurt by actions, and physical and sexual abuse. Many of us get hurt by our own parent, siblings, relatives, neighbors, teachers, pastors, etc. We also get hurt if we are exposed to porn, sexually touched or exposed, molested or raped. Once we have been hurt we have the choice of truly forgiving that person from our hearts like Jesus did and behaving like Christ. Or we can be angry and bitter towards the person who hurt us and not forgive them in our hearts. Forgiveness does not require allowing your abuser to stay in your life. But if we do not forgive a person from our heart then demons will have legal rights to torment our mind with their thoughts causing us to trigger on other people and current relationships. We trigger by getting mad and angry, and overreacting to situations or going quiet for hours or days. Demons play a large…

Monday, July 25 2022
It is not a popular message to confront people for their sin because it causes them to feel convicted but ultimately if it makes a difference whether they go to heaven or hell then they should be told the truth. Sadly many pastors have watered down their messages so people will not leave their church and take their tithes with them. They don’t talk about the need for people to be set free from sin and living a godly life in obedience to the Bible. What does true salvation actually require? Interesting if you Google salvation you will see this in Wikipedia: Salvation (from Latin: salvatio, from salva, 'safe, saved') is the state of being saved or protected from harm or a dire situation. In religion and theology, salvation generally refers to the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences. The academic study of salvation is called soteriology. So salvation means the deliverance of our souls (mind, will and emotions) from sin and its associated consequences. So for those pastors who preach that we can just ask Jesus into our hearts with no fruit similar to Jesus as evidence and keep on practicing sin and still get to heaven - what does the Bible actually say? Romans 6:15-23 NKJV From Slaves…

Monday, October 19 2020
It has been amazing to watch in 2020 as the increase in demand around the world from people who are flocking to inner healing and deliverance ministries are looking for results that the mental health and counseling community rarely sees. People are desperate for peace. Simply put – you cannot behaviorally improve your life by trying harder without going through the process of inner healing and deliverance. Until you are able to address and stop all the negative thoughts that come from demons in your mind (50-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% are negative and 95% repetitive from the day before according to a National Science Foundation study in 2005) you will be tormented and never have peace. No matter how many times your pastor / counselor or therapist tells you to think positively and be at peace – if your demons have legal rights to torment your mind with their voices through unforgiveness of people who have hurt you in your past, behaving pridefully and rehashing all the bad things that have ever happened to you - then you will never experience peace. Medicine and counseling from a non-spiritual perspective cannot cure a spiritual demonic issue. The most…