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Tag: spirit of Jezebel
Saturday, June 1 2024
IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE NARCISSISTS / JEZEBEL People who are narcissistic and are affected by the spirit of Jezebel (both men and women) are impossible to please because nothing you do for them will ever be acceptable in their eyes. It’s because the demons that manifest in them love to control their victims to get them to obey their every whim and desire like a slave. They feel powerful when they are telling others what to do and criticizing them for everything multiple times every day so will never praise those who do exactly what they want because then they would have to admit they did good and they can’t stand that. So they will always tell you that you were not good enough in some area, you needed to do some additional things and you fell short of their expectations. So you could ask them what their expectations would be to complete any task and if you did it exactly as they requested they would still say there was something you didn’t do right to cause you to fall short so you will feel hurt and less than. It could be that you brought them a meal from a…

Tuesday, May 28 2024
WHEN YOU SAY NO TO PEOPLE WITH THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT BE PREPARED FOR WAR Many have endured hell when they encountered a woman or man who operated in the Jezebel spirit. It’s because they have demons that they got when they were children from hurts and wounds from a parent or had sexual abuse or exposure to porn. They are intent on destroying everything within those who won’t submit to them. They hurt and abuse you and then lie about you and your reputation to as many who will listen and act like they are the victim instead of the bully and most believe their lies all the while they are behaving in such a deep evil that no one would believe. So when you begin to expose the truth of their evil be prepared for war. Those who operate in religious spirits in the church will actually protect and partner with those operating in Jezebel. And many have both religious and Jezebel spirits. They team up to come against those who are truly godly and righteous to destroy them together especially with those who have been abused by Jezebel finally come forward pleading for help with their Jezebellic spouse…

Wednesday, April 26 2023
HOW TO ATTEMPT TO GET YOUR JEZEBEL (NARCISSIST) SPOUSE DELIVERED The Jezebel spirit torments both women and men. It gains legal rights to torment a person when they have been hurt growing up. A controlling father or mother who simply speaks negatively to their child. A parent who emotionally, physically or sexually abused their child. Anyone who gets raped or sexually molested will receive the Jezebel spirit. Most who are hurt and wounded and cannot forgive the person who hurts them will tend to give legal rights to the Jezebel spirit to torment them due to the unforgiveness, bitterness and anger. If they would ever be diagnosed by the psychological community they would be told they were a narcissist due to their entitlement attitudes of pride and that they could never change. They grow older and become prideful, entitled, selfish, controlling, manipulative, sexually selfish and obsessed and view themselves as a victim instead of the abuser. They will sabotage their own relationships and hurt their own children. They will be the cause of their broken marriages but will blame their abused spouse to as many who will listen to gain sympathy from their family and friends and church people. So…

Wednesday, March 22 2023
PAUL SAID TO JUDGE THOSE IN THE CHURCH WHO ARE SINNING When we are healed and delivered and sin is rare in our lives Paul said we absolutely need to judge those in the church and remove them if they are claiming to be believers yet have much sin in their lives. Otherwise they will cause much damage to those in the church due to their sin by lying, cheating, behaving sexually perverse, etc. Especially leaders. “When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat people, or worship idols. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that. I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people. It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. God will judge those on the outside; but…

Thursday, January 26 2023
HOW TO RECOGNIZE THE TRAITS OF THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT People who operate In the spirit of Jezebel (1 and 2 Kings, Revelation 2:18-23) have all been hurt and wounded as children and teenagers (often by a parent, relative or exposure to porn or sexually violated prior to age 18) and have not been able to truly forgive. The spirit causes them to behave similarly. To get delivered they need to be honest of their bad behavior, forgive all who hurt them, repent for their pride and sin and command the spirit out. To recognize the spirit in a person below are common traits: Jezebel Spirit - Controlling (the demonic voices tell them that their decisions are the best and they can’t trust you or others - they feel if they control other people then they will never be hurt again) - Manipulative (they will guilt you to do what they want - you know if you don’t watch my child so I can go out to an event then I will have to leave them with my neighbor who is not a Christian and they could get hurt) - Anxious / Fearful - Very Jealous - Plays the role of…

Thursday, May 19 2022
Today the Lord showed me a vision of many, many millions of people in the world who are feeling more isolated and lonely than ever before in their lives. Many have been abandoned, rejected, lied and gossiped about, abused, and that even God feels distant to them. Some have self-sabotaged their own relationship because they were not healed from their soul wounds which caused them to have unforgiveness and bitterness in them allowing demonic strongholds rights to cause them to trigger on those who loved them causing them to pull away. While others have had to escape from unhealthy controlling relationships of Jezebel which were intent on forcing them to do what Jezebel’s demonic spirits wanted and not what God wanted. They could no longer submit to the demons in those who had evil intentions for them. Some are in toxic marriages with people who are not healed and delivered operating in the Jezebel spirit and being emotionally controlled and abused. Some have children who have rejected their parents due to believing lies from the enemy through their ex-spouse or through connections through unhealthy friendships that their children have had. Some have friends who have all turned on them and…

Sunday, February 6 2022
People who have been emotionally, physically or sexually hurt by other people (a parent, step-parent, foster parent, adopted parent, other relatives, neighbors, strangers) will often develop anger, bitterness, pride, jealousy, sexual impurity and not trust anyone – including God. Many of them attend church on a regular basis and although they asked Jesus to come into their heart, their soul was still wounded and if they have not been able to truly forgive all those who have hurt them from their heart then demons will have legal rights to give them thoughts. Many church-attending Christians have given demons legal rights to torment their soul (mind, will and emotions) due to their unforgiveness for those who hurt them when they were growing up. Jezebel manifests in them as they hear hundreds and thousands of thoughts each day from the demons telling them that they can’t trust their spouse or others so they better tell them what to do. Those hearing all these thoughts would never discern that the thoughts are coming from demons. They are constantly critical of their victims (spouse, kids, others who don’t do what they want), wanting to control and manipulate them to make them do everything that…

Wednesday, May 12 2021
People around the world all get hurt growing up in various ways. Most are hurt emotionally through hurtful words from people (often their own father or mother, a step-parent, other relatives, siblings, friends, etc., ) and some are hurt through physical or sexual abuse (or simply being touched sexually from anyone or shown pornography). When we get hurt we will remember what happened to us as the demons tell us over and over again how evil those people were who took advantage of us so that we cannot truly forgive them in our hearts which gives the demons legal rights to continue to speak to our minds, giving us negative thoughts of anger, fear, anxiety, depression, impure sexual desires, etc. Then many of those who were wounded come into the church and never get their soul wounds healed or delivered from their demons and continue to hurt people (usually their spouse, children and certain people that they target in the church). About 85% of marriages (and relationships) consist of one person who has the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan and another who has Ahab. They work in tandem with each other but never have true godly intimacy. So to understand…

Wednesday, October 21 2020
The state of the world right now is confusion, anger, fear, twisted truth, lying, deceit, and sexual perversion amongst others. It is a mess. The state of the church is much in the same position as the world as so many have tolerated sin and looked the other way. Of course Satan will attack those in the church as much as he can in order to cause those who are truly of the Lord to be attacked by his people who are not godly but try to act it and then accuse God’s people of things that are false as all it takes is to get people to believe one lie to get them to believe a person is bad instead of good. The spirits of Jezebel, Leviathan and Ahab are three higher ranking demons that cause much of this mess. They are all at work together in the lives of most people in the world to keep the church ineffective, ruin most marriages and cause individual lives to be tormented every day. When people go to the doctor to try to get healed of a pain they must be honest with where the pain is located, what the symptoms…

Monday, July 13 2020
Most people think that witchcraft is done by witches who wear tall black pointy hats, with green tinted faces and a wart, who cackle when they laugh and boil things like bats and newts in black cauldrons and cast spells on people and astral project to listen in on people’s conversations. Yes there are some witches who could fit that description but there are far more who are doing witchcraft every day who look normal and are in leadership of most churches around the world as well as have their own ministries. And many of them are also men. Truth be told – at the simplest level - witchcraft is when one person tries to make another person do what they want which goes against what God wants for them (sometimes in very subtle ways while others are more overt). It is not loving or true freedom to try to make a person do what you want them to do when it ultimately hurts them. Controlling other people to do what you want is done by both men and women and is witchcraft. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). The reason people control…