Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


LEVIATHAN CAUSES CONFUSION IN COMMUNICATION & HEARING WORDS NEVER SPOKEN Have you ever known a person who confuses everything that is spoken to them? They will leave out important details in the context of a conversation when they try to remember what was discussed. They confuse the simplest key details of a situation that happened just the day before as if they weren’t even present. If they are married to you they will refuse to admit when they are completely wrong about an important discussion you had last week, yesterday, even a few hours later! They will deny that they said something or say you said something you didn’t. They are adamant that they are correct and you are wrong when in reality you know they are completely wrong so it can cause you to doubt your memory.  The Leviathan spirit causes much of this confusion and twisted communication and literally will change the words spoken to a person who suffers from that spirit. I know of a woman who told her husband she was going to go down to the grocery store to pick up some food and he swore that she said she was going down to the…


WHAT DEMONS SOUND LIKE IN YOUR THOUGHTS The average adult is tormented with 12,000 thoughts each day of which 80% are negative and 95% the same thoughts they had the day before according to a study in 2005 by the National Science Foundation. I’ve helped thousands around the world to get delivered from demons and they sound just like your own thoughts so you won’t recognize them. Most of those 12k thoughts are demonic and they tell you things like these: “You are not good enough” “You are too fat”, “You are ugly” “You should drive your car into that tree and all your problems will be over” “Everyone hates you” “You made so many bad decisions” “It’s all your fault” “It’s all your spouses fault” “Your boss doesn’t know anything and you could do much better”  “You need to drink alcohol, you need to do drugs so you will feel good” “You deserve to eat those cookies, ice cream or cakes” “No one is sinless so God understands your sin and is fine with you because look at all the good things you do for others” “You deserve to look at porn and masturbate as you have needs” “If…


DEMONS WILL CAUSE YOU TO QUESTION EVERY DECISION YOU MAKE & CONDEMN YOU Demons will speak to you in your mind every day to cause you to believe that most all of your decisions are bad or to tell you to choose something that will ultimately be bad for you.  So daily you feel regret, sadness, anger, and beat yourself up and are tormented.  Demons will cause you to regret many decisions from your past and blame, shame and condemn you every day.  They will tell you “you should have done this….you should not have done that…” You will feel tormented with no peace whatsoever. Any decisions that turned out really bad they will remind you over and over and over often thousands of times every month for years.  It starts as a child when we get hurt from a parent or relative or are exposed to porn or are sexually molested as the demons will gain legal rights to torment you due to your unforgiveness and then begin to tell you to make various decisions that turn out bad such as smoking, drinking alcohol, looking at porn, having sex with people, getting an abortion, choosing to get into relationships…


UNFORGIVENESS ALLOWS DEMONS TO TORMENT YOUR MIND & BODY In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus talks about a parable of a man who was forgiven a huge debt but he refused to forgive another man who owed him a small amount of money. He was ultimately put in prison and turned over to be tormented. Jesus said the same thing will happen to us if we refuse to forgive others for sinning against us. So what does being tormented mean as Jesus used it as a metaphor? Demons torment people. If we refuse to forgive others then God refuses to forgive us for our sins in Mattthew 6:14-15.   Satan wants to hurt us all deeply through other people so that we will refuse to forgive others so that his demons can torment our thoughts, minds and bodies with accusations, fear, condemnation and sickness and steal all peace. This is why most Christians are tormented similar to non Christians because they have not truly forgiven everyone who hurt them from their hearts like Jesus said.  So how do you truly forgive all who hurt you from your heart like Jesus says. You need to ask Jesus to show you all who hurt…


IT’S HARD TO HAVE GODLY FRUIT WHEN YOU HEAR DEMONIC THOUGHTS ALL DAY How many negative thoughts do you have each day? Thoughts that cause you to have fear. To think a lustful, impure sexual thought? To have thoughts of anger, jealousy, betrayal, rejection, have bitterness, pride, lying…all these are demonic and when you hear a couple thousand of these every day – it will be impossible for you to have godly fruit in your life. Fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. So many people who attend church struggle every day to try to be good yet failing due to being inundated with negative thoughts from demons and then agreeing with those thoughts. This is the true invisible enemy that is a worldwide pandemic that has been going on for centuries. People who get wounded in their lives from their mother, father, siblings, relatives, friends or enemies will hear demonic thoughts in their minds. Their souls have been wounded. Souls are comprised of their mind (thoughts), wills (free wills to choose) and emotions (anger, joy, selfishness, selflessness, jealousy, etc). The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 and found that some people have…


HOW TO STOP DEMONS FROM GIVING YOU INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS In 2005, the National Science Foundation published an article summarizing research on human thoughts per day. It was found that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. We can see that one of the tendencies of the mind is to focus on the negative and ‘play the same songs’ over and over again. There was another interesting study (Leahy, 2005, Study of Cornell University), in which scientists found that, firstly 85% of what we worry about never happens. Secondly with the 15% of the worries that did happen, 79% of the subjects discovered that either they could handle the difficulty better than expected, or that the difficulty taught them a lesson worth learning. The conclusion is that 97% of our worries are baseless and result from an unfounded pessimistic perception. Demons speak to Christians and non Christians alike every day giving them hundreds and thousands of thoughts to cause them to have fear, anxiety, anger, lust, bitterness, depression, suicidal thoughts. Demons say things to our minds like:…


Most people in the world are tormented by negative thoughts all day long.  They hear thoughts that blame them, cause them to take an offense or get angry, tempt them to do things that are not good for them such as sin, lie, cheat, steal, yell, complain, eat unhealthy, have no energy to exercise and then condemn for their mistakes.  Thoughts that cause them to lust, be jealous, get frustrated, feel sad, depressed, and even tell them to kill themselves.   2 Corinthians 10:3-6 NKJV 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.   If we don’t take our negative thoughts captive then unfortunately the thoughts will take us captive.  The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 which found that people could have up to 12-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of their thoughts were negative and 95% were the same thoughts they had the day…


Have you ever thought about where your thoughts come from? A thought comes to you from three different places.  The Lord (Holy Spirit), the enemy (demons) or ourselves.  The enemy wants to trick us by giving us thoughts that we think are from ourselves and are the best.  The enemy often convinces us that we will be protected from getting hurt from others if we listen to him.  The enemy will give us thoughts that sound good but in reality will come back to hurt us here on earth but more importantly in eternity. The more that we are hurt when growing up and then later in life, the more we feel wounded and beaten down emotionally and can often trigger in angry ways.  Our souls have been wounded, which are comprised of our mind (thoughts), will (freewill) and emotions (how we feel and react).  When our souls are wounded we tend to get a lot of thoughts from demons whose voices sound similar to our own thoughts but will never give us true peace or love.  How many of us have been talked to harshly by someone (such as our father or mother, a boss, a colleague, someone on…

How do you know when you are freed from the enemy? You will feel peace, love & joy

So many Christians are tormented in their minds every day with thoughts that flood them throughout the day from the enemy.  They have no idea that their thoughts are not all their own because the church fails to teach them at a level that they can truly understand. They talk about taking their thoughts captive but fail to give them tools to actually do it on a day to day basis.  What good is it to memorize Bible scriptures yet never feeling at peace, love or joy on a daily basis?  We as a church must do a better job at explaining to people that Christ died on the cross and then gave us His authority to do the very same things that He did while on earth.  We simply must take His authority and walk it out. When we hear a thought that comes to us that causes us to be in fear, anger, take an offense, we must recognize that the thought is from the enemy and to shut the thought down immediately.  So many people have been hurt by their parents growing up or have been molested, had incest or raped and the enemy now has legal…

Walking in peace every day is possible but the enemy will fight you

It has been more than 2 years that I have walked in peace every day, and it feels amazing.  From the time I was about 30 years old until I was 48, I endured some extreme circumstances while living with people who were affected by the enemy in extreme ways.  The latter 6 years was the most intense season of enemy torment that I had ever envisioned having to endure.  It pressed me to the edge of my ability to live a semi-normal state.  And I was not allowed by God to tell anyone what I was going through until He released me from my assignment. Today I walk in peace every day and no circumstances to the contrary will ever shake me because of the extremity of the tribulation that the Lord had me go through.  It has created an unshakeable ability to not strive about anything with anyone at any time.  I simply will not strive. 2 Timothy 2:23-24 says "23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. 24 And a servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,"  Very few people (let alone Christians) walk…

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