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Tag: torment
Tuesday, September 24 2024
COMPLAINING GIVES DEMONS LEGAL RIGHTS TO TORMENT YOU Demons want you to complain as much as possible to as many who will let you. They want you to go on and on about how you have suffered and endured pain in your past because it brings joy to them that you are still feeling negatively affected and have not forgiven those who hurt you and let it go and stay in victim mode. Remember how much the Israelites complained when they were in the desert instead of having a heart of gratitude that they were no longer slaves? They could have walked into the Promised Land in a few days but because of their complaining God caused them to stay in the wilderness and then they all died (except for Joshua and Caleb) in the desert because He was tired of hearing them complain. Could your complaints be keeping you in the desert? Have you ever been around a person who complains about everything? It often depresses you as you listen to them talk negatively about people who often have been out of their lives for years. Eventually it wears on you as it’s hard to stay positive anymore or…
Tuesday, May 7 2024
UNFORGIVENESS ALLOWS DEMONS TO TORMENT YOUR MIND & BODY In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus talks about a parable of a man who was forgiven a huge debt but he refused to forgive another man who owed him a small amount of money. He was ultimately put in prison and turned over to be tormented. Jesus said the same thing will happen to us if we refuse to forgive others for sinning against us. So what does being tormented mean as Jesus used it as a metaphor? Demons torment people. If we refuse to forgive others then God refuses to forgive us for our sins in Mattthew 6:14-15. Satan wants to hurt us all deeply through other people so that we will refuse to forgive others so that his demons can torment our thoughts, minds and bodies with accusations, fear, condemnation and sickness and steal all peace. This is why most Christians are tormented similar to non Christians because they have not truly forgiven everyone who hurt them from their hearts like Jesus said. So how do you truly forgive all who hurt you from your heart like Jesus says. You need to ask Jesus to show you all who hurt…
Monday, August 24 2020
When a person gets hurt growing up (by anyone; fathers, mothers, step parents, siblings, friends, relatives, sexual violations, etc.) demons are given legal access to remind them of all the injustices and pains they suffered so they will not truly forgive the people who hurt them which allows the demons to give them negative thoughts thousands of times a day (National Science Foundation study of 2005 said up to 50-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of the thoughts are negative and 95% repetitive of the day before). The thoughts cause them to feel angry, jealous, prideful, fearful, depressed, suicidal, to control other people and to behave sexually immoral, etc. Demons also cause them to believe things that are not true about not only themselves but other people who don’t do what they want them to do. It skews their perception of reality to where they believe a false narrative as truth. It really ruins their relationships with those who love them because they view them as their enemies instead of those who they have hurt to cause them to pull away from them. They take an offense at everything which causes their spouse to have to walk on egg-shells…
Monday, April 27 2020
The main reasons why Christians struggle to have Christlike behavior and healthy marriages
Why are so many people in the church struggling to have peace and see the fruit of the spirit evident in their day to day lives? Why are so many people living in either miserable marriages or experiencing painful divorces? Why do so many people have sickness and disease in their bodies? Why are so many children angry at their church-going parents? Why do so few people in church truly love each other like Christ? Romans 7: 4-25 New Living Translation 4 So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God. 5 When we were controlled by our old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death. 6 But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law,…
Tuesday, May 2 2017
Walking in peace every day is possible but the enemy will fight you
It has been more than 2 years that I have walked in peace every day, and it feels amazing. From the time I was about 30 years old until I was 48, I endured some extreme circumstances while living with people who were affected by the enemy in extreme ways. The latter 6 years was the most intense season of enemy torment that I had ever envisioned having to endure. It pressed me to the edge of my ability to live a semi-normal state. And I was not allowed by God to tell anyone what I was going through until He released me from my assignment. Today I walk in peace every day and no circumstances to the contrary will ever shake me because of the extremity of the tribulation that the Lord had me go through. It has created an unshakeable ability to not strive about anything with anyone at any time. I simply will not strive. 2 Timothy 2:23-24 says "23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. 24 And a servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient," Very few people (let alone Christians) walk…