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Tag: trump
Thursday, December 17 2020
It’s been an interesting time for Christians in America as the Lord has been telling His prophets that President Trump would be re-elected but if you listen to the liberal media and Democrats the circumstances look opposite. But isn’t that just how God loves it. When everything looks bad and then suddenly things get reversed and good overcomes evil. David defeated Goliath when he was a teenager and Goliath was nearly 10 feet tall. Moses led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt but then ran into the Red Sea and about 3 miles of water to cross as the Egyptians were chasing them to hunt them down. Then suddenly the Lord told Moses to raise his arms and staff and the winds blew the Red Sea apart for the Israelites to cross over and then covered up the Egyptians killing everyone. Daniel looked like he would be killed by the lions in the den but God protected him and those who devised an evil plan were thrown into the den along with their families and all died. Haman had planned to exterminate all the Jews and then suddenly Queen Esther told the king of his evil plan and…

Sunday, August 16 2020
The enemy is planning to make our lives more miserable in the months of September and October as the election nears in the United States. More people are having dreams and seeing visions of tougher times coming upon us as the enemy knows this is a life or death situation for those who are doing pure evil if President Trump gets re-elected. Trump is not tolerating those who have done horrible things to children and humans in general and plans to bring justice to them (pedophilia, sex trafficking, abortion, murdering children and over 2,000 children per day are going missing) as well as those who are financially and politically corrupt (George Soros, the Clintons, Obamas, Bill Gates, Hollywood elites, etc.). That is what this whole Plandemic has been all about. To incite fear through a virus that is much like the flu in order to shut down the economy and attempt to allow voter fraud through mail-in votes so the Democrats can try to steal the election from Trump. Then the most evil people in the world can move all of us into their New World Order Socialist government regime controlled by people who have the most evil intentions, trying…

Wednesday, July 8 2020
Today’s world tells us that we need to be bold, loud and aggressive and to demand our own way to make people give us what we want. That the weak will not survive and to get what you need you have to yell and throw tantrums to get people to fear you and bow down to your every request. To manipulate others to give you everything you want. To seduce them to getting them to give you what you desire. I see it in the church where people try to put guilt trips on those who have mercy hearts in order to get them to serve or give money. A spiritually meek person is not selfish or concerned with getting their own ways, ideas and desires. They are willing to put themselves in second place or last place and submit themselves to do God’s will and help others achieve what is best for them. They would rather help another person or group of people to succeed and lay their own life desires down for them. They do not need any spotlight or attention from thousands on social media to tell them how great they are or how beautiful they look…

Monday, July 15 2019
Jezebel is being exposed everywhere!
As I have traveled around the US and Canada (and ministered to people around the world) since 2016 I see people becoming much more aware every day of the spirit of Jezebel (and Leviathan) and how it manifests in people. It causes them to be controlling, manipulative, jealous, hateful, threatening, prideful, arrogant, lie, demanding, selfish, intimidating, critical, judgmental, and the psychological community calls them Narcissists. They are absolutely the most challenging type of person to have any relationship with, especially to work for or be married to or to have as a parent. People get affected by the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits due to growing up with pain from their mothers or father or step parents or being sexually violated by anyone. As more people in the church and society as a whole have their eyes open to what has been going on in this world and the truth is revealed about just how evil that the demons cause people to be then we can finally expose the truth and get people delivered and save their lives and marriages. Deliverance from the demons tormenting them in their minds comes when they have truly forgiven people who have hurt them…