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Tag: voices
Friday, August 23 2024
ARE YOU HEARING FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT OR DEMONIC SPIRITS? Many who have the Holy Spirit are taught that they can no longer be tormented or oppressed by demonic spirits because they have been told that the Holy Spirit can’t dwell with demonic spirits. The truth is that we must get the Holy Spirit in order to help us get delivered from all the demonic spirits who attached to our souls (mind, will and emotions) due to our hurts and wounds, unforgiveness, pride, lust, fear and sin in our lives. The Holy Spirit will convict us of our sin and help lead us to overcoming. In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus explained if we refuse to forgive others for sinning against us from our hearts then we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment Christians who have not forgiven all from their hearts. They oppress Christians by giving them thousands of thoughts a day trying to cause them to justify and excuse sin in their lives which allows them to stay in their flesh instead of true repentance like Jesus taught so they can walk in the fruit of the spirit. Thus many who have the Holy Spirit in their…

Friday, August 10 2018
Whose voice are you listening to?
Every person in the world hears voices whether they want to admit it or not. Many of the voices are coming from the enemy which cause people to do things that align with the enemy (fear, control, manipulation, lying, sexual sins, pride, selfishness, anger, etc). Some of the voices we hear in our minds come from the Lord or Holy Spirit. And some voices are our own thoughts. Far too many people who attend church are hearing the enemy's voice and have no idea. Unfortunately these people make choices that cause them to never have peace, strive over most things and have broken relationships and children who are hurt and want nothing to do with them. Hearing one thought from the enemy can cause a person to ruin a quiet evening, cause their spouse to cry, and cause a child to feel unloved. People need to discern every thought that comes into their minds to determine if it is from the enemy, the Holy Spirit or the Lord or their own thoughts. Too many people who attend church think every thought they have is from the Lord or their own mind and go with it. They act upon what they…