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Tag: waiting
Friday, August 16 2024
THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE HAD TO WAIT SO LONG Why have so many who have received promises from the Lord had to wait and suffer for months and even years before they see their promises from the Lord manifest? During the times of waiting the Lord works on changing us to become more like Him. Removing pride, unforgiveness and being delivered from our fleshly sin and strengthening our integrity, endurance and steadfastness to not waiver and walking in the fruit of the spirit which ultimately prepares us to walk in our full calling and destiny in Him. Many are waiting on financial situations changing, healing manifesting in your body, relationships changing, and suffering and attacks being removed. Abraham had to wait 25 years after God told him that He would make a great nation come from him and that his descendants would be like the stars (Genesis 15). Sadly Sarah his wife got tired of waiting to get pregnant from Abraham so told him to get her maidservant Hagar pregnant, which he did and had Ishmael but then she was jealous and hated Hagar and Ishmael. Eventually 13 years later Sarah finally got pregnant by Abraham when he was…

Saturday, July 20 2024
ARE YOU TIRED OF WAITING FOR GOD TO CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES? Sometimes the Lord is teaching you about how people behave who are operating in demonic spirits, witchcraft and evil so you can be aware of it for the future. You may be teaching others about what you learned in the future and personal experience is the best teacher although can be painful. Sometimes God is moving people out of the way so that you can walk into your blessing. Sometimes the Lord is using the time of waiting to increase your faith that ultimately He will come through for you and when your circumstances finally change you will be even more thankful and grateful and that when you must wait for things in the future your faith will be stronger to endure. Sometimes God is developing your character through the circumstances. Think about Joseph being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Then he was lied about by Potiphars wife who wanted sex with him and he did what was right and ran from her but accused and thrown into prison for 3 years before finally being positioned into number 2 behind the Pharaoh in all of Egypt. Sometimes…

Monday, June 12 2023
ABRAHAM WAITED 25 YEARS FOR HIS PROMISE TO MANIFEST…HOW LONG HAVE YOU WAITED? Prophetic words often take many years to come to pass. The words are often accompanied by suffering extreme trials and tribulations, separations from many family members and friends as well as overcoming extreme adversities in order to fulfill the prophetic words spoken over them years prior. Many people give up as the enemy steals their dreams and visions and they never see their prophetic words manifest. Think about Abraham. Can you imagine the joy that Abraham must have felt when the Lord promised him that he would have more descendants then the sand? “For You said, ‘I will surely treat you well, and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.’ ” Genesis 32:12 NKJV Abraham was 75 years old when God first made the promise that Abraham would be made into “a great nation.” Genesis 21:5 tells us that Abraham was 100 years old when Sarah finally gave birth to Isaac, which means Abraham had to wait 25 years! Abraham waited for God and trusted Him to fulfill the promise He had made—he was a living example of Proverbs…

Friday, September 1 2017
What To Do When Waiting To Meet Your Godly Mate
Below is an excerpt from Chapter 4 What to Do When You Are Waiting - from my newest book Choosing A Godly Mate: So once you have been delivered from all generational curses and spirits of Jezebel, Leviathan and Ahab and healed from any entrenched mindsets from your past wounds, what should you do when waiting to find your husband or wife? There are many who choose to get on dating sites and pursue people from the opposite sex and have conversations frequently with people who are not healthy. The challenge is that you will soon wear yourself out after talking to each person and trying to juggle multiple conversations via Facebook Messenger / Instagram / Texts / FaceTime. I know of some women who have thousands of wolves that are trying to pursue them. The men act all ‘godly’ if they know that they profess to be a Christian, but in reality they are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing. They try to tell them what they want to hear so they will fall in love with them. So what most do is pick a few men who look attractive to them and then begin conversations with them. …