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Tag: witches in the church
Tuesday, June 11 2024
WITCHES IN THE CHURCH - SOME KNOW THEY ARE WITCHES BUT SOME ARE UNAWARE There are two types of witches who have infiltrated the church today - those who know they are witches and those who are unaware they are practicing witchcraft. Those who know they are actual witches are on assignments in the church to do as much damage as possible causing church splits and division by gossiping lies and half truths, getting close to the pastor & leadership so they will protect them, astral projecting on unsuspecting Christians to listen into their conversations and tormenting them and then later telling them the Holy Spirit showed them things about them making their victims believe they are godly, sending curses to attach to people who have open doors / legal rights for demons to attack them due to their unforgiveness, pride and sin and giving people jewelry, pictures, books, paintings, food, which gives them access due to them keeping things that were given to them which makes a spiritual contract. These witches usually operate in networks with covens and warlocks over regions. Then there are the more challenging witches to discern who are those who don’t know themselves that they…

Sunday, August 21 2022
HOW TO DISCERN WITCHES IN THE CHURCH There are over 1.4 million witches who attend church in America every week. They look like you and me so are very hard to discern who is of the Lord and who is of Satan. They want to pray for you, lay their hands on you and know all the correct religious lingo to say. Some astral project into your homes so they can learn intimate details of your life and later tell you that the “Holy Spirit” showed them things about you to then cause you to think they are extremely in tune with the Lord. So how can you tell if someone is of Satan and not the Lord? Church Witch Characteristics: – They act very religious and superior in spirituality and knowledge like they are the only ones who hear unique revelation from God - When they first connect with someone they will act very loving and kind but over time will demand you do what they say and want you to come to them for help and no one else and tell you if you don’t do what they say then you are disobeying, they speak words of condemnation…

Monday, July 13 2020
Most people think that witchcraft is done by witches who wear tall black pointy hats, with green tinted faces and a wart, who cackle when they laugh and boil things like bats and newts in black cauldrons and cast spells on people and astral project to listen in on people’s conversations. Yes there are some witches who could fit that description but there are far more who are doing witchcraft every day who look normal and are in leadership of most churches around the world as well as have their own ministries. And many of them are also men. Truth be told – at the simplest level - witchcraft is when one person tries to make another person do what they want which goes against what God wants for them (sometimes in very subtle ways while others are more overt). It is not loving or true freedom to try to make a person do what you want them to do when it ultimately hurts them. Controlling other people to do what you want is done by both men and women and is witchcraft. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). The reason people control…