There are many who were silenced as children by controlling parents, relatives and then again at school by teachers, coaches and other students. Also at church by pastors, teachers and leaders who were more like the Pharisees and less like Jesus. At work by bosses and managers who were overbearing and control freaks. Then they often had a controlling spouse and other family members as they grew older who refused to let them share their opinions and even lied about them. They were told to stay quiet and that their voice didn’t matter because they had nothing valuable to say. They were mocked and laughed at by wicked and evil people with demons. Many of those who were told to stay silent have taken extreme amounts of emotional abuse and worse for their entire lives.
The Lord is now silencing the voices who were your abusers and accusers and now exposing their sin and evil ways for others to see. He is raising up those who kept silent and lived in obedience to the Lord, walking in sexual purity, to now stand up for themselves and allow their voices to be heard because they have the true heart, convictions, righteousness and compassion of Jesus. Their voice needs to be heard now more than ever because they know what it’s like to be an underdog, victim, mocked and shamed who was shoved in the corner.
God is giving His people who everyone overlooked a new platform to speak the truth with. Those who never had a desire for people to listen to them are rising up as there is much wisdom in all their former long suffering due to their humility. Many are now writing new books, speaking on their own podcasts, in churches and conferences and social media platforms. God is opening doors everywhere and new blessings and favor are coming upon you. And God is humbling those who were your prideful adversaries as there is recompense for them.
Psalms 147:6 NKJV
“The Lord lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked down to the ground.”
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