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Tag: demons
Friday, February 14 2025
SIGNS THAT DEMONS ARE AFFECTING YOU ENTICE - They will entice you in your mind by telling you things such as “You should pick up that $20 bill lying on the floor at church and keep it, others would if you lost it.” Or “You deserve to have your sexual needs met so it’s ok to look at porn and masturbate.” TORMENT - If you have any unforgiveness in your heart for anyone you will be tormented by demons. Matt 18:21-35 Jesus gives a parable and states if we don’t truly forgive everyone from our hearts that we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment. You will be mentally tormented, as well as physical torment like sickness and diseases (Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease, etc.) HARASS - Demons will tempt you to sin and then condemn you for it after you do it. You will be harassed and then get angry and trigger over little things to people thinking you are justified because that’s just the way you are. COMPEL - Compulsive addictive behaviors like smoking, alcohol, drugs, sex, eating unhealthy food which is gluttony, non stop talking DEFILE - Makes you feel dirty and unclean especially when you…

Tuesday, September 24 2024
COMPLAINING GIVES DEMONS LEGAL RIGHTS TO TORMENT YOU Demons want you to complain as much as possible to as many who will let you. They want you to go on and on about how you have suffered and endured pain in your past because it brings joy to them that you are still feeling negatively affected and have not forgiven those who hurt you and let it go and stay in victim mode. Remember how much the Israelites complained when they were in the desert instead of having a heart of gratitude that they were no longer slaves? They could have walked into the Promised Land in a few days but because of their complaining God caused them to stay in the wilderness and then they all died (except for Joshua and Caleb) in the desert because He was tired of hearing them complain. Could your complaints be keeping you in the desert? Have you ever been around a person who complains about everything? It often depresses you as you listen to them talk negatively about people who often have been out of their lives for years. Eventually it wears on you as it’s hard to stay positive anymore or…

Friday, September 20 2024
SIGNS YOU ARE DEALING WITH A FAMILY GENERATIONAL CURSE I’ve helped thousands of Christians around the world to get their soul wounds healed and be delivered from demons and most of them struggled with the same issues that their parents and grandparents struggled with. In Deuteronomy chapter 28 it talks about blessings for obedience to the Bible and curses for disobedience. Below are some of the most common family generational curses that I have seen in the people I have taken through sessions: Mental / Emotional issues Prone to accidents (drop things, break things, car accidents, falls) Addictions to alcohol / drugs / food / sex Chronic hereditary sicknesses (doctors cannot find any normal cause) Divorce and family breakdowns (children alienated from parents and siblings) Financial problems (long term poverty) Unnatural deaths / dying young / suicides Female issues (barrenness / miscarriages / menstruation problems) We all need to be the generational curse breaker in our families. When we don’t do our part to forgive all who ever hurt us we will be tormented (Matt 18:21-35). When we walk in pride God is against us. Proverbs 16:5 "The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They…

Sunday, September 8 2024
WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT MEAN AS THE DEVIL? If someone who has the Holy Spirit is still mean as the devil it’s usually because they still have unforgiveness towards others, pride and unrepentant sin in their lives. Demons have legal rights to attach to your soul (mind, will & emotions) as long as you refuse to forgive everyone who hurt you from your heart. Jesus said in Matthew 18:21-35 that if you refuse to forgive everyone from your heart that you will be tormented. Demons will torment your mind giving you thousands of negative thoughts a day causing you to be angry, bitter, jealous, selfish, accusing, controlling, provoking, lying, being sexually impure and hurting people. They also cause you to be arrogant like Lucifer was before he was thrown out of heaven. People with demons hate to admit they need deliverance and will be very angry and oppose deliverance. Anointed deliverance minister Derek Prince confirmed that Christians need to get the Holy Spirit to help them to forgive, repent and get delivered from the demons in their souls which could take years until the person fully obeys the Holy Spirit, if they ever do. The Holy…

Wednesday, August 28 2024
SHOULD YOU LAY HANDS ON PEOPLE WITH DEMONS? Should you lay hands on people with demons and who are sick to pray for them to get healed and delivered? Should you allow others you don’t know lay their hands on you and can demons transfer from them to you? What does the Bible say? Luke 4:40-41 NKJV “When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. And demons also came out of many, crying out and saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of God!” And He, rebuking them, did not allow them to speak, for they knew that He was the Christ.” Matthew 8:14-15 NKJV “Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them.” Luke 13:11-13 NKJV “And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her,…

Sunday, August 25 2024
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING OPPRESSED OR POSSESSED BY DEMONS When a person is oppressed by demons they will hear demonic thoughts in their minds - which sounds like their own thoughts - often thousands of times each day (2005 - the National Science Foundation found the average person has 12,000 thoughts a day and 80% are negative). Some of the thoughts a person has from demons will be true because otherwise you would not believe them, but they will always twist something to get you to believe a lie in order to ultimately hurt you. The demons’ goal is to cause people to believe what they say which causes them to struggle with fear, anxiety, anger, regret, revenge, bitterness, condemnation, jealousy, lust, depression, mental disorders, suicidal thoughts, believing godly people are bad and to not be trusted and to believe ungodly people are good and are to be trusted. The demons want Christians to justify allowing sin to be common in their lives so they will stay walking in their flesh instead of changing to walking in the spirit. The demons ultimately want to take the person to hell by causing them to disobey the Bible and Jesus. The Lord…

Saturday, August 24 2024
WHEN YOU ARE ANOINTED THE ENEMY USES THOSE IN YOUR FAMILY WHO ARE SPIRITUALLY WEAKER TO ATTACK YOU When you are truly pursuing the Lord, walking in obedience to the Bible, walking in the fruit of the spirit, humility and sexual purity, don’t be surprised when those around you manifest to try to provoke you into arguments, taking an offense at the drop of a hat, and trying to cause an uncomfortable atmosphere filled with tension in your home and workplace and at church. The enemy will attack those who are spiritually weaker and compromised around you to attack you. Marriages where one operates in a Jezebel spirit will have that person attack the other spouse frequently to steal their peace and come against them and then act like they are the victim when in reality they are the cause of the strife. A parent who is walking in righteousness will often have a child who is not who will do and say things to cause their parent tremendous stress and sadness and try to provoke them to anger. An adult child who is pursuing a life full of the fruit of the spirit and serving God will often have…

Friday, August 23 2024
ARE YOU HEARING FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT OR DEMONIC SPIRITS? Many who have the Holy Spirit are taught that they can no longer be tormented or oppressed by demonic spirits because they have been told that the Holy Spirit can’t dwell with demonic spirits. The truth is that we must get the Holy Spirit in order to help us get delivered from all the demonic spirits who attached to our souls (mind, will and emotions) due to our hurts and wounds, unforgiveness, pride, lust, fear and sin in our lives. The Holy Spirit will convict us of our sin and help lead us to overcoming. In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus explained if we refuse to forgive others for sinning against us from our hearts then we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment Christians who have not forgiven all from their hearts. They oppress Christians by giving them thousands of thoughts a day trying to cause them to justify and excuse sin in their lives which allows them to stay in their flesh instead of true repentance like Jesus taught so they can walk in the fruit of the spirit. Thus many who have the Holy Spirit in their…

Thursday, August 22 2024
STOP ARGUING WITH PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO ARGUE People who love to argue will waste your time, exhaust you, accuse you of what they are doing and project onto you, criticize you, twist the subject multiple times in minutes and never admit when they are wrong (which is often) as they believe everything they say and do is right. They will steal your peace, cause you to feel stressed and can even develop into sicknesses. All kinds of evil happens with strife and demons will cause more stress. 2 Timothy 2:23-26 “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” So what should you do if you are around a person who loves to provoke arguments? Obviously the best course of action is to remove yourself from that person. Have nothing to do…

Tuesday, August 20 2024
THE LORD IS REVEALING DEMONS IN THE EYES & FACES OF PEOPLE TO YOU When you can discern and see in the spirit you will notice demons manifesting in the eyes and faces of people. Their eyes are the windows into their soul. Their soul is their mind, will and emotions. If they have hatred, anger, jealousy and evil intentions in their heart you will often be able to see it in their eyes as they will appear very dark and their face will contort and jaw will clench with intense hatred for you. Matthew 6:22-23 NKJV ““The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Their demons will glare at you to try and intimidate and get you to be in fear and obedience to submit to them. The person with the demons cannot hide them as the Lord shows you who they really are in the spirit as much as they try to disguise and act…