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Tag: emotional healing
Thursday, July 25 2024
HEALING FROM REJECTION, BETRAYAL & ABUSE I have taken thousands of people around the world through personal sessions to help them get healed from their past soul wounds. Everyone has been rejected, betrayed and emotionally abused by people, often a parent, relative, spouse, friend, church people, etc. Some were rejected in the womb by their mother or father that didn’t want them. Some had a parent that wanted a girl instead of a boy or a boy instead of a girl. Some were cheated on or emotionally abused by their spouse. All have been betrayed by someone like a family member, spouse, ex spouse, church member, colleague at work, etc. Many have been emotionally abused, or physically or sexually. 95% of us have either been exposed to porn or sexually molested by the age of 14. When you are rejected, betrayed or abused you will hear demonic spirits speak to you in your mind causing torment and telling you that you are justified to be angry, bitter, deserving of justice or revenge. You will often will feel alone, sad and even depressed. It makes it very hard to forgive so that you can be healed and delivered. Often it causes…

Friday, May 31 2024
FORGIVENESS ALLOWS EMOTIONAL & PHYSICAL HEALING Jesus said in Matthew 18:21-35 that if we refuse to forgive someone who hurt us then we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment us with thousands of negative thoughts in our minds every day and causes much sickness and disease in our bodies. Matthew 6:14-15 says if we don’t forgive others who hurt us then we won’t be forgiven for our sins. Many of those who refuse to forgive have anger, bitterness and torment in their mind and physical sickness like cancer because their sins are not forgiven. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to reconcile with the person who hurt you as then they would just hurt you more and then you would have more wounds. Forgiveness means you give all your anger and hurt to Jesus and desire no veangence for the person who did you wrong. You give the person who hurt you to Jesus to deal with. So how do you forgive from your heart? You don’t go to the person who hurt you and tell them you are forgiving them. You ask Jesus to show you how the person who hurt you was hurt when they were…

Monday, April 20 2020
How we talk to our children later becomes their inner voice
Have you ever considered what you say to your children can haunt them the rest of their lives if you speak negative words of death over them? Conversely, if you speak positive words of encouragement and life that they will blossom like a flower that receives sunshine and water and will see blessings in their lives. How often do you think and take inventory of exactly how you speak to and treat your own children? Those who spoke negatively every day to their children as they were growing up will see children who are largely affected in a negative way for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately the parents will then blame their children and speak out words of condemnation over them causing a huge chasm to expand throughout their lifetimes between them. Their children will naturally distance themselves from their parents - wanting to stop the onslaught of death words over them. Then often the parents will blame shift the reasons that their children want nothing to do with them onto their victimized children causing their children to feel hurt deeply and rarely wanting to ever speak to them as their parents need to own their abuse over…

Monday, February 3 2020
How to heal your soul wounds so you can love like Christ
What are soul wounds? We are made up of three parts. We are a spirit that has a soul and we live in a physical body. Our souls are comprised of our minds, freewill and emotions. Both Satan and God want our souls. We have a freewill to choose to serve God or Satan. When we are hurt growing up then demons have a legal right to attach to those wounds. The demons then give us thoughts in our minds and remind us of the pain that we went through, the injustices, the violations, the rejections, and when we listen to them we will not be at peace. We will have challenges sleeping at night as the enemy torments our thoughts. We will make bad decisions that will hurt us and others. We will have more fruit of the flesh then fruit of the Holy Spirit. We have to discern which thoughts are from the enemy and which are from the Lord and reject all thoughts coming from the enemy. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 New King James Version (NKJV) 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling…