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Tag: Jezebel spirit
Thursday, October 24 2024
JEZEBELS’ MINDS ARE BLOWING AS THEY ARE LOSING CONTROL OVER OTHERS Jezebels (both women and men) have been used to throwing fits and getting angry and being bullies in order to get what they want throughout society and life. When people don’t give them what they want they face their wrath and anger and non-stop arguing and demands so most learn to give them what they want to try to keep the peace. The Jezebels who are at the highest level of deceit will act godly and demure all the while plotting behind the scenes to get their way, controlling others and to destroy godly people and ministries. God said to stop tolerating Jezebel and their demons and minions / flying monkeys. So now more than ever people are telling the Jezebels no and exposing their evil and sinful ways. The Jezebels minds are blowing as they can’t stand to be told no after getting their way for most of their lives. They are manifesting now more than ever. You can see it in all facets of life with the Jezebels in families, spouses, school, work, churches, governments, politics. Godly wives are no longer submitting to sinful husbands. Godly husbands…

Tuesday, September 10 2024
SHOULD YOU STAY MARRIED TO A NARCISSIST? There are many who get married to their spouse expecting to be loved and cherished but instead begin to be treated with disdain, control, manipulation, hostility, belittling, disgust, disrespect and then leads to emotional abuse which can lead to physical and sexual abuse. Being married to a Narcissist is one of the worst things a human can experience. They constantly emotionally tear you down, exhaust you and it often leads to sickness, disease and an early death and no desire to live. Their demons want to destroy you all the while appearing to be the greatest most godliest person on earth to others. They lie about you to get others to hate you. I knew of a woman at my church who stayed married until she got a brain tumor from her husband’s emotional abuse and finally died at age 49. Then he got remarried to a healthy woman and within a year she began to get sick. In Acts 5:1-11 Sapphira submitted to her husband Ananias who told her to lie to Peter about how much they sold their property for when they gave money to him as they kept some money…

Monday, August 12 2024
COMPULSIVE TALKING CAN BE A SIGN OF A NARCISSIST / JEZEBEL SPIRIT Compulsive talking often manifests in anxiety and a relentless desire to self-promote talking about one’s self and our accomplishments and to make ourselves appear to look significant and smart due to feeling unheard, anxious, insecure and wounded as a child. They often try to convince others that they are great people who care about others when they only care about themselves. When a person dominates a conversation and tends to talk on and on and does not allow the other person they are talking with to get a word in edgewise it can indicate that they have not been healed from soul wounds in childhood and could be under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel which causes them to dominate other people in conversation to ultimately control them and make them listen to everything they say due to their fear, anxiety and insecurities and having no interest in the other person’s thoughts or opinions. It starts in childhood when a child is wounded emotionally by a person, often a parent, or can be sexually violated as they will begin to hear demonic spirits giving them thousands of…

Tuesday, July 2 2024
RECOVERING FROM NARCISSISTIC ABUSE INTENT TO INFECT YOU WITH HATRED One of the most hurtful wounds in life that an adult can endure is when you have a relationship or marry a narcissistic / Jezebellic spouse and love them in a very kind and caring way but then the abusive narcissistic spouse abuses you horribly, controls, manipulates, yells, intimidates, humiliates, throws objects at you, threatens you and then goes to all of your mutual friends, family and church people and tells them lies about you to make them hate you and have nothing to do with you, often accusing you of doing exactly what they actually did to you. They are masters of lying. It is extremely difficult to recover from this type of attack because when you have endured some of the most traumatic, painful emotional abuse or worse from someone and then they lie better than you can tell the truth - and you lose close relationships with many people - then you often develop an intense hatred and anger inside of your heart for your abuser and want to take revenge upon them. Unfortunately that allows demonic spirits to torment you in your mind and body due…

Wednesday, June 19 2024
JEZEBEL / NARCISSISTS WERE SLOWLY KILLING YOU BUT NOW YOU ARE THRIVING Many have had to separate themselves from people who were Narcissistic and had the Jezebel spirit because they realized they were feeling like they were slowly dying. They no longer had life, felt sick frequently, felt hopeless, depressed, alone, even suicidal and some got diseases. So once the Lord confirmed to them that they needed to get away from their abuser because the abuser would not change - the abuser told them that they would never make it without them. For some it took a few months to recover from the abuser - many more it took longer to recover because they were under the abuse for many more years - but now the peace that you walk in feels amazing. You learned to forgive your abuser from your heart and given all your emotional hurts and pain to Jesus and He healed you. You received a Doctorate degree from the Lord in the fruit of the spirit known as long suffering! Your health has improved greatly, your hair is now healthy, you are physically, emotionally and spiritually stronger than ever before, and now you are helping others…

Saturday, June 8 2024
WHEN JEZEBEL CAN’T CONTROL YOU THEY LIE TO OTHERS TO GET THEM TO HATE YOU The Jezebel spirit affects both women and men. Revelation 2:18-23 says we are not to tolerate people who operate in it because they are evil. Jezebel does their damage through controlling and manipulating their victims to do what they want and not what God wants. They operate in a level of witchcraft. When their victims no longer submit or obey their demands they resort to controlling them through lying about them to others and devising a false narrative in order to get others to hate them and stop them from accomplishing what the Lord wants. Most people believe their lies because they are greats actors and actresses and will support Jezebel to hate on their victims to stop them from doing what the Lord wants them to accomplish. In 1 Kings 21:1-16 Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard to turn into a vegetable garden. Naboth refused to sell it to him for he was giving it to his children. So when Ahab pouted about it Jezebel said she would help him get it. She arranged a banquet and invited Naboth to it under false pretense to honor…

Wednesday, June 5 2024
SATAN SENDS HIS JEZEBELS TO MARRY GOD’S PEOPLE In the church there are many marriages which are compromised consisting of people where one operates in the Jezebel spirit and the other either in the Ahab spirit or is desiring much more to be obedient to the things of God. Jezebel can operate in a woman or a man, Ahab can be in a man or a woman. Satan’s goal is to get his Jezebels to marry and then have the Jezebel control and manipulate their spouse to keep them from obeying the Lord and completing their calling. Jezebel’s assignment is to cause their spouse to compromise, tolerate sin and make their spouse’s life miserable. They will dominate them to keep them from doing what God wants. Jezebels want to stay married to their spouse as long as they can but only to emotionally abuse them to stop them from accomplishing what God wants. They will lie to others and blame their spouse for things that they do to them and act like they were the victim. Then when their victimized spouse finally has endured enough abuse and goes to a counselor or pastor they will lie and blame everything on…

Tuesday, May 28 2024
WHEN YOU SAY NO TO PEOPLE WITH THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT BE PREPARED FOR WAR Many have endured hell when they encountered a woman or man who operated in the Jezebel spirit. It’s because they have demons that they got when they were children from hurts and wounds from a parent or had sexual abuse or exposure to porn. They are intent on destroying everything within those who won’t submit to them. They hurt and abuse you and then lie about you and your reputation to as many who will listen and act like they are the victim instead of the bully and most believe their lies all the while they are behaving in such a deep evil that no one would believe. So when you begin to expose the truth of their evil be prepared for war. Those who operate in religious spirits in the church will actually protect and partner with those operating in Jezebel. And many have both religious and Jezebel spirits. They team up to come against those who are truly godly and righteous to destroy them together especially with those who have been abused by Jezebel finally come forward pleading for help with their Jezebellic spouse…

Sunday, May 12 2024
THE BIBLE SCRIPTURE THAT WARNS OF NARCISSISTS IN THE LAST DAYS Why does it seem like more people are manifesting narcissistically than ever before? In the past people who behaved so evil felt ashamed for having that bad of behavior but today they are so prideful and intimidating that they have no convictions whatsoever of what others think of them so do it publicly. At the same time people are also no longer tolerating the abuse and are exposing their spouse or parents who have treated them emotionally abusively for years. More people than ever are becoming aware of the underlying spiritual roots of narcissistic personality disorder and how it is actually demonic. The spiritual roots of those who would be diagnosed as a narcissist have the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits (Revelation 2:18-23 and Job 41) The scripture which specifically describes narcissistic behavior in the last days is in 2 Timothy 3:1-9 NKJV below: But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather…

Thursday, May 9 2024
MOST COUPLES RESEMBLE JEZEBEL AND AHAB Most every couple / marriage today resembles the similar traits of queen Jezebel and King Ahab in 1 and 2 Kings. The spirit of Jezebel can affect a woman or a man and the spirit of Ahab affects men or women. Those two spirits will draw people together into relationships. People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel have the following traits: Controlling and demanding Manipulative, threatening & intimidating Must get their way on most decisions Selfish Lies a lot - especially about things they did or said that are evil Extremely jealous and insecure Accuse you of who they are Have many broken relationships Many are Seductive - can use their sexuality to entice others Spends lots of money Their image is everything to them Often cannot keep their jobs or positions People who operate in the Ahab spirit have the following traits: Feels secure in marrying a person who acts like they are decisive and can run the show Wants peace at all cost so will allow evil to be done by people instead of standing up to confront Good at making money and keeping their job Get drawn in to Jezebel’s…