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Category: Ahab Spirit
Thursday, September 12 2024
COULD YOUR SPOUSE’S SIN CAUSE YOU TO DIE EARLY? In Acts 5:1-11 Sapphira was married to Ananias. Ananias came up with a plan and told his wife Sapphira to lie to Peter about how much they received for selling their property. They kept back some of it but told Peter that it was the full price. The Holy Spirit told Peter that Ananias lied to him and then Ananias died. Sapphira didn’t know he died and 3 hours later Peter asked her if the money he received from Ananias was the total amount and she lied and said yes. She immediately lost her life. I personally knew a couple who attended my church and the husband was emotionally abusive to his kids and his wife. She chose to stay in the marriage because those at church told her that God hated divorce and eventually she developed a brain tumor due to the constant verbal abuse from her husband. She died at age 49. He then got remarried to a healthy woman who shortly began to get sick after a year again due to his emotional abuse. He was sexually abused by his father and had demons and now he has…

Monday, September 9 2024
MANY FAMILIES RESEMBLE A NARCISSIST, EMPATH, GOLDEN CHILD & SCAPEGOAT Many grow up with a toxic dysfunctional family where a father or mother is a narcissist (Jezebel spirit) and their spouse is an Empath (Ahab spirit). The Empath allows the Narcissist to run the show because they get benefits of the Narc threatening others to give them what they want. Sadly when they have children they hurt them and cause future Narcissists and Empaths. In 1 and 2 Kings in the Bible Jezebel and Ahab birthed a daughter named Athaliah who was the golden child and became a Narcissistic Jezebel. Their sons Ahaziah and Jehoram became like their father and had the same Ahab spirit. This same family dynamic continues to happen today. Often one of the children in a family has a good honest heart who wants to do right and sees the evil in the parents and will not just put their head in the sand and stay silent with their sinful evil behaviors. Of course the narcissistic parent hates that child because they won’t ignore their toxic sinful behavior and instead stands up to them and tells them where they are wrong and need to change. That…