Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


HEALING FROM REJECTION, BETRAYAL & ABUSE I have taken thousands of people around the world through personal sessions to help them get healed from their past soul wounds. Everyone has been rejected, betrayed and emotionally abused by people, often a parent, relative, spouse, friend, church people, etc. Some were rejected in the womb by their mother or father that didn’t want them. Some had a parent that wanted a girl instead of a boy or a boy instead of a girl. Some were cheated on or emotionally abused by their spouse. All have been betrayed by someone like a family member, spouse, ex spouse, church member, colleague at work, etc. Many have been emotionally abused, or physically or sexually. 95% of us have either been exposed to porn or sexually molested by the age of 14.  When you are rejected, betrayed or abused you will hear demonic spirits speak to you in your mind causing torment and telling you that you are justified to be angry, bitter, deserving of justice or revenge. You will often will feel alone, sad and even depressed. It makes it very hard to forgive so that you can be healed and delivered.  Often it causes…


ARE YOU TIRED OF WAITING FOR GOD TO CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES? Sometimes the Lord is teaching you about how people behave who are operating in demonic spirits, witchcraft and evil so you can be aware of it for the future. You may be teaching others about what you learned in the future and personal experience is the best teacher although can be painful.  Sometimes God is moving people out of the way so that you can walk into your blessing.  Sometimes the Lord is using the time of waiting to increase your faith that ultimately He will come through for you and when your circumstances finally change you will be even more thankful and grateful and that when you must wait for things in the future your faith will be stronger to endure.  Sometimes God is developing your character through the circumstances. Think about Joseph being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Then he was lied about by Potiphars wife who wanted sex with him and he did what was right and ran from her but accused and thrown into prison for 3 years before finally being positioned into number 2 behind the Pharaoh in all of Egypt.  Sometimes…

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