Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


WHY DEMONS DON’T LEAVE WHEN YOU ASK JESUS INTO YOUR HEART In Luke 13:5 Jesus said we must repent from our sin or we will perish - it never says to ask Jesus into our hearts. Repent means to turn from sin and change our behavior. Obey the Bible. Demons have many legal rights to torment people prior to when they make a decision to  commit to Christ and they still have legal rights to torment them after they make a commitment to Christ, after they have been baptized and after receiving the Holy Spirit. Why? Why would they leave if they don’t have to? Demons attach to our soul (mind, will and emotions) until we truly forgive all from our hearts who hurt us and repent for our pride and sin and change to walking in the fruit of the spirit. The Holy Spirit is in our spirit and tries to help us get delivered from demons.  According to Matt 18:21-35 Jesus says if we don’t truly forgive everyone from our hearts that we will be turned over to the tormentors. What torments people? Demons. Thousands of negative thoughts a day, causing fear, anger, anxiety, depression, jealousy, lust, control,…


PEOPLE WITH DEMONS CAN’T STOP MANIFESTING AROUND GODLY PEOPLE  People who are tormented by demonic spirits in their minds cannot control themselves from manifesting, especially when they are around truly godly people. They feel compelled to say things to control & manipulate, to criticize and judge unrighteously, as their pride is so strong that they cannot stop themselves. They feel justified because their demons tell them they are right and they need to tell others to do what they want. It’s similar to when Jesus was on earth and the prideful Pharisees seethed with anger, jealousy and hatred for Jesus - yet Jesus called them out.  So many are unhealed church people who are self righteous and walk in false humility. Their demons within them cause them to not be able to simply behave with love and respect. They cannot resist their urges to say things to hurt people because they hear thousands of demonic thoughts a day and obey what they hear. They manifest on others and think they are in the right when they are totally in the wrong.  You can often see it in their eyes as they get darker and their faces contort. The demons reveal…

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