Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


HEALING FROM REJECTION, BETRAYAL & ABUSE I have taken thousands of people around the world through personal sessions to help them get healed from their past soul wounds. Everyone has been rejected, betrayed and emotionally abused by people, often a parent, relative, spouse, friend, church people, etc. Some were rejected in the womb by their mother or father that didn’t want them. Some had a parent that wanted a girl instead of a boy or a boy instead of a girl. Some were cheated on or emotionally abused by their spouse. All have been betrayed by someone like a family member, spouse, ex spouse, church member, colleague at work, etc. Many have been emotionally abused, or physically or sexually. 95% of us have either been exposed to porn or sexually molested by the age of 14.  When you are rejected, betrayed or abused you will hear demonic spirits speak to you in your mind causing torment and telling you that you are justified to be angry, bitter, deserving of justice or revenge. You will often will feel alone, sad and even depressed. It makes it very hard to forgive so that you can be healed and delivered.  Often it causes…


IT’S BETTER TO BE ALONE THAN TO HAVE MANY UNGODLY FRIENDS & FAMILY Written by Mindy Schuman There are many times in life when we find ourselves surrounded by friends, family and others who don’t have our best interest at heart. There are often individuals we allow to be part of our lives who have not aligned themselves with the kingdom of God and His commandments and have become a negative influence in our thoughts and actions. In many cases we allow these individuals to speak into us and be an active part of our lives causing much damage to ourselves and even our spouse and children. These types of relationships can be harmful and cause us to lose our peace that God desires us to have. We have a responsibility to our spouses, if married, and children to guard ourselves from those with evil intentions and who habitually practice sin and walk out their fleshly desires. Many mistakenly believe that being connected to those who have repeatedly and habitually been critical, judgmental and harsh is somehow better than being alone. But it is far better to pull away and be separate than be negatively influenced, controlled, manipulated and mistreated…

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