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Category: Leviathan Spirit
Tuesday, September 10 2024
SHOULD YOU STAY MARRIED TO A NARCISSIST? There are many who get married to their spouse expecting to be loved and cherished but instead begin to be treated with disdain, control, manipulation, hostility, belittling, disgust, disrespect and then leads to emotional abuse which can lead to physical and sexual abuse. Being married to a Narcissist is one of the worst things a human can experience. They constantly emotionally tear you down, exhaust you and it often leads to sickness, disease and an early death and no desire to live. Their demons want to destroy you all the while appearing to be the greatest most godliest person on earth to others. They lie about you to get others to hate you. I knew of a woman at my church who stayed married until she got a brain tumor from her husband’s emotional abuse and finally died at age 49. Then he got remarried to a healthy woman and within a year she began to get sick. In Acts 5:1-11 Sapphira submitted to her husband Ananias who told her to lie to Peter about how much they sold their property for when they gave money to him as they kept some money…

Thursday, August 29 2024
LEVIATHAN CAUSES CONFUSION IN COMMUNICATION & HEARING WORDS NEVER SPOKEN Have you ever known a person who confuses everything that is spoken to them? They will leave out important details in the context of a conversation when they try to remember what was discussed. They confuse the simplest key details of a situation that happened just the day before as if they weren’t even present. If they are married to you they will refuse to admit when they are completely wrong about an important discussion you had last week, yesterday, even a few hours later! They will deny that they said something or say you said something you didn’t. They are adamant that they are correct and you are wrong when in reality you know they are completely wrong so it can cause you to doubt your memory. The Leviathan spirit causes much of this confusion and twisted communication and literally will change the words spoken to a person who suffers from that spirit. I know of a woman who told her husband she was going to go down to the grocery store to pick up some food and he swore that she said she was going down to the…