Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


NO COWARDS, SEXUALLY IMMORAL OR LIARS WILL BE IN HEAVEN Revelation 21:8 “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Coward  The Bible defines a coward as someone who lacks the courage to do what is right, good, or helpful in a time of need due to fear of consequences.  Gideon is often considered the poster boy for fear and cowardice. When God first commanded him to rescue the Israelites from the Midianites, Gideon was hiding in a winepress to escape his enemies (Judges 6:11). Throughout his entire story, Gideon demonstrated fear, anxiety, and doubt. He constantly tested God by asking him to perform signs. Finally he allowed God to change him and eventually became a mighty man of valor and was able to defeat their enemies. He overcame his fear and cowardice.  Ahab in 1 and 2 Kings did not overcome his cowardice towards Jezebel his wife as the Bible says he did more evil in the sight of the Lord than all the kings prior because Jezebel stirred him up.  Abominable means detestable to God.…


RELIGIOUS PHARISEES OF TODAY ARE BLIND TO THE TRUTH & HURT PEOPLE When Jesus came to earth He had to correct the Pharisees because they added over 600 laws to the Bible that most could not obey or live up to (not even themselves) and many were ridiculous and hurt many. Jesus purposefully healed people miraculously on Shabbat to provoke the Pharisees to prove a point of how ridiculous their man made law was to observe of not doing “any work” during Shabbat. They were more concerned with people obeying their laws than actually getting people healed or helping them. They shamed people and made them feel less than. Who would not save a lamb that was in danger of dying just to observe a law they made up? He also called them out personally for not helping people and walking in pride, taking the best seats in the synagogue, making it known to all for show when they were fasting, as Jesus called them white washed tombs and vipers.  Today there are many modern day religious Pharisees who don’t have the love of the Lord in their hearts for people and have no godly common sense and want a…

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