Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


MANY HAVE HEALTH ISSUES THAT HAVE SPIRITUAL ROOTS Unforgiveness. In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus talks about a parable of an unforgiving servant and explains that if we refuse to forgive others who hurt us then we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment us in our minds and bodies. A study was done that showed over 60% of adults who had cancer was due to unforgiveness Pride can give you pain and sickness. In 2 Kings 5 Naaman had leprosy and had to humble himself to go into a dirty Jordan river to dip 7 times before he was healed. The spirit of Leviathan in Job 41 causes much back & neck pain, headaches, insomnia, confusion. Repent for pride and command Leviathan to go in Jesus name.  Emotional abuse from your spouse or family members or work environment will increase stress and all kinds of sickness  Curses on your family bloodline. Do you have any family members who were involved with the Freemasons / Shriners who declared curses over you? Do you have family members who chose to live ungodly and worldly ways? Break and renounce the curses.  Witchcraft curses on you. If a witch or warlock gave you…


When you finally break free from someone who has the Jezebel spirit they will turn to gossip & lies to others to control you. Gossip is designed to tell lies and distorted truth about a person in order to turn others against the person. The root cause of gossip is almost always, without fail, jealousy. The more successful, attractive, kind, self-assured, anointed, loving, godly, the more fruit of the spirit in your life, the more that jealous people will gossip in order to get others to believe lies about your character so they can try and stop you from accomplishing God’s plan in your life by getting people to pull away from you and believe you to be bad. Jealousy and control is a large part of the spirit of Jezebel as they want power and prestige as they have strong pride in their lives and can’t stand others to be more anointed, blessed and loved then them.  Most people who hear gossip never go to the person gossiped about to talk with them to understand what the real truth is. They just believe the gossip as truth and many want to believe it as the truth as they hate…

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