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Tag: church
Sunday, July 28 2024
SATAN IS FINE IF YOU GO TO CHURCH AS LONG AS YOU DON’T GET DELIVERED Most churches sadly don’t teach people how to forgive all who hurt them from their hearts (Matt 18:21-35), having them repent for their pride and sin and getting them delivered from demons tormenting and oppressing their minds and bodies. When the religious spirits on leaders cause them to tell people they don’t need to truly repent and change from their sinful behavior, addictions and idols and just need to invite Jesus into their hearts then most people will continue to live a very compromised, sinful life. Deliverance changes everything in a true believer’s life - they change from living in their fleshly sin to walking in the fruit of the spirit in obedience to the Bible. Many can even have the Holy Spirit but will still listen to their demonic spirits oppressing their minds and thoughts and trigger emotionally in evil. It’s time for all true Christians to get delivered with the evidence of the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control), humility and sexual purity with no gossiping, lying or slander. Sin becomes rare in a true…

Wednesday, July 19 2023
HOW TO DISCERN WHO TO TRUST IN THE CHURCH There are so many in the church today who are living ungodly lives, acting like they are godly and wanting everyone to trust them. Pastors, pastor’s wives, worship leaders, teachers, elders, evangelists, prophets, deliverance ministers, intercessors, security, Holy Spirit filled and everyone in between. So many who were hurt and wounded growing up who have never truly forgiven those who hurt them. Filled with anger, bitterness and pride. Filled with demonic spirits and walking in the fruit of the flesh. So how do you know who is truly of the Lord and who is just acting? Matthew 7:15-20 NKJV You Will Know Them by Their Fruits 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.…

Sunday, June 21 2020
I have been amazed at how many people are shocked to having their eyes opened to learn the truth of just how much evil and corruptness there is in the world as it is now being exposed more and more. When people call themselves “Christian” yet are abusive, controlling, lying, sexually perverse, and worse whenever they leave the presence of their church. We have to look at the actions of people and not their words. The world is expected to be evil but those who are in the church who call themselves Christian yet are verbally abusive to their spouse, yell at their children, get drunk, behave sexually impure, live immorally, cuss, and lie every day. People are finally waking up to learn that the liberal news sources that they have been watching their whole lives (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, even at times FOX) are lying to us and have been for years…it’s just been that during the last year it has gotten worse and much worse. The enemy in the people who work for them has a very evil agenda in trying to control and manipulate them to hating things that are good and trying to portray things…

Wednesday, September 4 2019
Character Matters
Growing up in Indiana in the church (initially in a Church of God, then Presbyterian, then charismatic and Assembly of God, then non-denominational) I was taught by the various pastors that “Christians cannot have demons.” But in my experiences in life I witnessed first-hand behaviors in my own life and others who demonstrated traits that did not seem very godly at best and often indicate the presence of demonic influence at worst. Why would people who attended church regularly say and do things to hurt other people? Why did half of marriages of people in the church end in divorce? Why would pastors and others in ministry have affairs? Why were many men looking at pornography regularly? Why were many women and men extremely controlling, manipulative, prideful, arrogant, angry, jealous, deceitful and the fruit of their lives stink? They did not behave in any way like Christ! They could act nice to people at church but then behind closed doors they were emotionally abusive to their spouses and children? The Lord had me go through an experience in my life with a woman (my wife) who was extremely abusive to me for six years and told me I could not…

Tuesday, October 3 2017
The 800 lb gorilla in 95% of churches and ministries is named Jezebel
There is a huge 800 lb gorilla in every church and ministry in the world who does not talk about a certain subject. Unfortunately over 95% of churches and ministries in the world avoid talking about that certain subject. What is the subject – you may ask? It is the subject of people within the church and ministries operating in the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan. You see if you are the senior pastor of a church or leader of a ministry and fail to address this subject – then you allow people who operate in those spirits to do damage to the structure of the church and ministry. People who struggle with operating in the spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan will vie for leadership positions with the church or ministries. They want to be able to control other people in order to shut down true effectiveness of the church and other ministries. They will often times become best friends with the leader at the top in order to be protected by them so they can operate in a covert way within the church or ministry. Then after they have been placed in that position of power, they will slowly…