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Tag: churches
Tuesday, October 3 2017
The 800 lb gorilla in 95% of churches and ministries is named Jezebel
There is a huge 800 lb gorilla in every church and ministry in the world who does not talk about a certain subject. Unfortunately over 95% of churches and ministries in the world avoid talking about that certain subject. What is the subject – you may ask? It is the subject of people within the church and ministries operating in the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan. You see if you are the senior pastor of a church or leader of a ministry and fail to address this subject – then you allow people who operate in those spirits to do damage to the structure of the church and ministry. People who struggle with operating in the spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan will vie for leadership positions with the church or ministries. They want to be able to control other people in order to shut down true effectiveness of the church and other ministries. They will often times become best friends with the leader at the top in order to be protected by them so they can operate in a covert way within the church or ministry. Then after they have been placed in that position of power, they will slowly…