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Tag: discern
Wednesday, July 31 2024
HOW TO KNOW WHO IS THE NARCISSIST AND WHO IS THE EMPATH IN A COUPLE It is very hard for the average public to know who is the narcissist and who is the victim / Empath in a relationship. Most people believe anyone who tells them anything - the narcissist knows that most people will believe everything they say and they are professional grade liars. - Narcissists will tell their false narrative first to as many who will listen and they will post on social media - they want to get their narrative out first in order to gain sympathy from as many as possible. Then they will continue to lie with additional false details to make the narrative cause even more to feel sorry for them as appearing like they are a victim. - Narcissists will say they are married to a crazy or abusive person and accuse their spouse of being a Narcissist often - Narcissists will tell you how they were a victim and cry many fake tears - Narcissists will act overly nice to as many people as possible - but it is fake nice - Narcissists must be in charge of everything and everyone -…

Wednesday, July 19 2023
HOW TO DISCERN WHO TO TRUST IN THE CHURCH There are so many in the church today who are living ungodly lives, acting like they are godly and wanting everyone to trust them. Pastors, pastor’s wives, worship leaders, teachers, elders, evangelists, prophets, deliverance ministers, intercessors, security, Holy Spirit filled and everyone in between. So many who were hurt and wounded growing up who have never truly forgiven those who hurt them. Filled with anger, bitterness and pride. Filled with demonic spirits and walking in the fruit of the flesh. So how do you know who is truly of the Lord and who is just acting? Matthew 7:15-20 NKJV You Will Know Them by Their Fruits 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.…

Thursday, June 8 2023
EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER OF DISCERNMENT I’ve experienced many people operating in the spirit of Jezebel and other spirits and each one became a higher level, more deceiving and cunning one trying to deceive me. A wife, a witch, a fake millionaire, a pastor, friends, people in other ministries. Every time I was connected with a person operating in the spirit of Jezebel and other demonic spirits I would learn more of how they would operate and become wiser of the enemy’s tactics. Then the Lord would bring me a new one who would allow me to learn even more. Every one was a lesson in being able to discern deception and how the enemy worked at a greater level. The wisdom that I gained from those experiences have helped me to help thousands around the world to understand why people behave in ways that are mean and ungodly (especially those who call themselves Christian and try to appear to be godly yet are evil, lie and make up false narratives with selfish and evil intentions in their hearts). It has helped so many who have been married to people who abused them and why they do the things…

Tuesday, June 27 2017
Think about where your thoughts are coming from
Have you ever thought about.....where your thoughts are coming from? Most people don't. They simply assume that all their thoughts....are their own thoughts. When in reality our thoughts come from three places. Our own, the enemy's and the Holy Spirit or the Lord. Most people in this world do not hear from the Holy Spirit so their thoughts either come from their own or the enemy's. But many who attend church and call themselves Christians also hear from the enemy, much more than they would think. If you are walking in anxiety and fear much of the time in your life, then you are hearing from the enemy on a regular basis. If you are angry and take an offense easily, then you are hearing the enemy whisper to you. If you feel rejected constantly, then the enemy is talking to you. Think about it....you hear a thought that goes like this "Your husband does not love you like you deserve.....he is the reason why you don't feel loved....he argues with you all the time.....you deserve someone better....you need to divorce him and find someone who will cherish your heart and treat you like you deserve....your husband is the reason…