Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth

How do you know when you are freed from the enemy? You will feel peace, love & joy

So many Christians are tormented in their minds every day with thoughts that flood them throughout the day from the enemy.  They have no idea that their thoughts are not all their own because the church fails to teach them at a level that they can truly understand. They talk about taking their thoughts captive but fail to give them tools to actually do it on a day to day basis.  What good is it to memorize Bible scriptures yet never feeling at peace, love or joy on a daily basis?  We as a church must do a better job at explaining to people that Christ died on the cross and then gave us His authority to do the very same things that He did while on earth.  We simply must take His authority and walk it out. When we hear a thought that comes to us that causes us to be in fear, anger, take an offense, we must recognize that the thought is from the enemy and to shut the thought down immediately.  So many people have been hurt by their parents growing up or have been molested, had incest or raped and the enemy now has legal…

What is the main reason families’ struggles are generational?

Have you ever thought about why a child struggles with the same vices, addictions and bad behaviors that their mother or father struggled with?  Have you ever noticed a correlation when a child operates in anger, hatred, sexual sins, drinking alcohol excessively, wanting to control and manipulate others that their father or mother was also very controlling, manipulative, spoke words of anger and demanded to get their way. What does the Bible say about sins of the fathers (and for that matter mothers) being visited upon future generations? In Exodus 34:6-7 Moses was conversing with the Lord in a cloud and it states "6 And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, 7 keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the father upon the children and the children's children to the third and the fourth generation." So just why would the sins of the fathers go down their blood line to the 3rd and 4th generations? And how does this occur?  Let's say a man gets married and raises a son.  He…

God is purifying those in the church operating in the spirit of Jezebel

God is in the process of exposing all those in His church who have been operating in the Jezebel spirit their entire lives.  He is saying "Enough is enough!"  I am seeing churches all over the world who have reached out to me struggling for keeping people accountable and getting them freed from the spirit of Jezebel as it has been an epidemic of worldwide proportions.  So many who have held leadership positions, worship leaders, associate and assistant pastors, senior pastors and their wives, elders and deacons.  God is saying "You may think you can get away with it in private but I see what you are doing and I will expose you and remove from you the position that you have been operating in as your sins will find you out." My ministry has been receiving more and more desperate calls from people / pastors to help them with people in their churches and ministries who have operated for years / lifetimes in the Jezebel spirit and they are losing their churches and ministries and cities because of it.  No more can we tolerate that spirit.  No more can we turn the other way and hope that it just…

Stop looking for your mate to complete you and start looking to God

There are so many people in the world who have put their own lives in the hands of their mate to complete them and are missing Christ's mark by a wide margin.  The Lord is calling his men and women to come up to a higher standard of purity, righteousness and walking as a mighty man or woman of valor and to stop lowering their standards to that of their ungodly spouse or future spouse.  God is waking up His people to realize that if you put your faith in a man or woman whose lives are not as they should be, in order to keep you from feeling lonely, then you have already missed the mark.  We should be living a life pleasing to God in all ways, freed from any demons that have a right to torment us, and then we will be healthy to either pick a mate who is also healthy, or if we are already married - to live in obedience to Christ completely. There are so many single people who are compromising their values, respect and honor, in order to be in relationship with another person.  Unfortunately these "other persons" many times are not…

The world is waking up to realizing how real the Jezebel spirit truly is

There is a very positive momentum that we are witnessing take place around the world concerning the Jezebel spirit.  Each week more and more are learning about how the Jezebel spirit has been affecting their lives, marriages and churches / ministries.  Wherever people have a strong desire to unhealthily control another person, to manipulate them in order to get their own way, there is usually a spirit of Jezebel that is whispering to them causing them to behave that way.  Invariably the person with the Jezebel spirit is controlling a person who is more loving, calm and easy to control. All the person has to do who has Jezebel is to raise their voice, become angry or rage, and everyone will do what they want.  But then they will never have peace in their lives and few close friends because of it. We are seeing more and more people around the world who are becoming aware of why their spouse controls them so much.  Why their spouse whispers lies behind their back in order to get other people to have a negative view of them so that they can look good.  People are finally having to deal with the 800…

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you must look in the mirror

Everyone who lives on earth will one day meet God and will be told if they will end up going to heaven or hell.  For those who lived a godly life, pure, loving, noble, giving, helping others, and encouraging others to choose Christ in their lives - they will be welcomed into heaven.  But for those who portrayed themselves to the public as a giving and loving person, attended church and maybe was a leader or even pastor, while behaving in deceitful, cunning, behind-the-scenes controlling / manipulative / lying and even abusive ways to their spouse and others, the Lord will tell them to depart from Him because He never knew them. There comes a day in everyone's life when you must look in the mirror and be real.  Who are you? How did you treat your spouse / children and others around you on a day to day basis? Did you act like you were loving and kind to those you "performed" for every day while saying horrible words to your spouse and children every day of your life?  Or were you the same loving and kind person behind closed doors as you were in the public eye and…

The power of choosing to forgive

The enemy uses hurting people in this world to hurt you which can cause us to be bitter and angry in our lives.  It is a choice.  When you recognize that a person says or does something based out of the pain in their lives, it is easier to give them the same grace that the Lord gives us each day when we make mistakes.  When we choose to remain bitter and angry at those who have done things to hurt us, then we cannot be forgiven by the Lord for similar pain that we cause others.  Matthew 6:14-15 says "14 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." When you choose to forgive someone for a multitude of sins against you, you do not  exonerate them for what they did, but you free yourself up to be able to be freed from the anger, bitterness and hatred which can cause you to be sick or in emotional pain.  I know what it is like to love someone like Christ loved the church, yet to be lied…

Do you feel stuck and need a breakthrough in your spiritual life?

I have had thousands over the past two years who the Lord has brought to me from around the world, who tell me that there is something not quite right with them.  They feel stuck spiritually and are not free or at peace.  They are also not operating in the fullness of who they know they have been called to become and many have had prophetic words spoken over them that they are not currently operating in.  Many are in various ministries (worship teams, teachers, leaders, healing room workers, deliverance ministry, prophetic) but know in their spirits that something is just not as it should be. They have met with counselors, pastors and gone through deliverance sessions for their entire lifetimes.  Yet they still feel stuck.  Many have struggled in their relationships and their marriages have suffered and they are desperate for true freedom. Most of these people grew up with parents that did not love them unconditionally as they deserved.  They felt rejected and received critical words instead of love.  Unfortunately when that happens the enemy starts to speak to them when they are a young child and tells them that they cannot trust anyone and need to protect…

The momentum is building in getting people unstuck from their pasts

It is exciting to see as more people around the world who have been stuck in past hurts and pains from father and mother wounds are now seeing huge breakthroughs.  They are now having revelation that it is a spiritual problem and cannot be fixed by the latest self help books or by going to counselors or pastors their entire lives.  They are realizing that they are dealing with a spirit that has been whispering to them for a lifetime, causing them to behave out of fear and anxiety which produces pride, control, manipulation, deceit and often times an impure selfish sexual side. When a child grows up with significant pain from either not knowing their father, being rejected, controlled or even treated very harshly by a father or mother, then the enemy will start whispering to them that they cannot trust them and need to look out for themselves.  They must control all their circumstances and only do what the voice inside their head is telling them.  It causes them to become very controlling of those that they have relationships with and thus drives away all their loved ones from them.  The Jezebel spirit is a very real invisible…

Freedom never felt so good around the world

Yesterday was an amazing day for me at Restored to Freedom.  I was able to chat with people from Texas, New Jersey, Germany, Barbados, California and Indiana.  All from the comfort of my home office.  It is so exciting to see what the Lord is doing around the world in getting people set free from the enemy in their lives in order to live a more peaceful life.  When people are ready to get their lives free from the enemy hurting them after sometimes 40, 60, 70 even 85 years of bondage, it is a most beautiful thing. So I love to think about how the Holy Spirit has been doing this.  This past month the Elijah List has been advertising my book, Restored to Freedom, on their home page of their website.  A woman from Germany clicked on the ad and then learned about how the Leviathan spirit can cause one to suffer from many physical infirmities including back pain, neck tightness, insomnia, blurriness of vision, headaches, troubled digestive systems, even Fibromylagia and other maladies. She reached out to me when I was in California and we set up a time for deliverance that took place yesterday.  After she…

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