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Tag: health
Tuesday, May 14 2024
MANY HAVE HEALTH ISSUES THAT HAVE SPIRITUAL ROOTS Unforgiveness. In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus talks about a parable of an unforgiving servant and explains that if we refuse to forgive others who hurt us then we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment us in our minds and bodies. A study was done that showed over 60% of adults who had cancer was due to unforgiveness Pride can give you pain and sickness. In 2 Kings 5 Naaman had leprosy and had to humble himself to go into a dirty Jordan river to dip 7 times before he was healed. The spirit of Leviathan in Job 41 causes much back & neck pain, headaches, insomnia, confusion. Repent for pride and command Leviathan to go in Jesus name. Emotional abuse from your spouse or family members or work environment will increase stress and all kinds of sickness Curses on your family bloodline. Do you have any family members who were involved with the Freemasons / Shriners who declared curses over you? Do you have family members who chose to live ungodly and worldly ways? Break and renounce the curses. Witchcraft curses on you. If a witch or warlock gave you…

Thursday, April 27 2017
So many wounds from childhood and generational curses cause physical infirmities today
When I first launched my Healing Rooms in October of 2015 at New Life Assembly of God in Noblesville, IN, I suspected that the reason many people did not get healed when receiving prayer was due to past generational curses and other demonic spirits that had a legal right to torment them. The Holy Spirit told me that the previous Healing Room that I worked at, which would not address any deliverance or breaking off curses, was not seeing as many healed due to not addressing the spiritual components first. So I let the Holy Spirit direct my sessions with people, and sure enough when it was brought to the person's attention that they had a Jezebel or Leviathan spirit operating or a generational family curse that came down the blood line, it made all the difference in the world. We would address it by having the person take their authority in the spirit and had them read the prayers in my book Restored to Freedom. They could then feel the spirits lift off of them and they immediately felt lighter, like heavy chains were broken off of them. They also felt tremendously peaceful for the first time in their…

Wednesday, April 26 2017
The Bible says that by His stripes we were healed – and i believed it
Since learning about being able to walk in true divine health simply by realizing that we have all power and authority over sickness and disease due to Jesus Christ dying on the cross and rising again, I have been healed from all that the enemy has tried to come against me with since 2009. It has truly been amazing for me to witness as I had no clue that Christians could do that before I was told about the greatest secret that the enemy does not want us to know about. It is definitely something that the enemy wants to come against us learning about, and you do have to fight for it in your mind, as that is where the battlefield takes place. Since the Lord told me back in 2009 that I could be healed from everything that the enemy tried to put on me the rest of my life, but ONLY if I did not get into fear, because once I got into fear I was on the enemy's territory and there was nothing He could do to heal me at that point. God said that all Christians could walk in divine health, but only if they…

Friday, April 14 2017
Learning that I had an authority in Christ changed everything
I had been a spirit filled Christian my entire life but no one ever told me about the greatest life-changing revelation until June of 2009. A man from California explained to me that we could actually do the same things that Jesus did, but only if we learned about our authority in Christ. I had never heard of this revelation before and was greatly intrigued. He explained to me that when we truly knew that we had the power of Jesus Christ living inside of us, then when we prayed we would expect to see the same results that Jesus did. That the enemy could only keep spirits affecting us and infirmities on us as long as we did not exercise this authority. It made a lot of sense to me when he explained that for the first time in my life. So upon learning about this revelation, I commanded the enemy spirits to go from my son, who had been afflicted for 10 years, and overnight he changed from being a disrespectful, argumentative 18 year old boy, to a loving, gentle and kind young man. I wondered why the pastors in church never told me about this life-changing power…

Tuesday, April 4 2017
My awakening to how we can all walk in Divine health
A couple of months after my son was set free from 10 years of torment, I told my mentor that I felt led to start reading some Christian books and asked which ones he would recommend. He said the top book was a very short read called The Believers Authority, by Kenneth E. Hagin. I told him I had not heard of the book and was very excited to start reading it. He said that it would give me a solid base to receive revelation into my Spirit about my true authority in Jesus Christ. John 14:12-14 NKJV “12Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My father. 13And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” I had read that scripture several times before, but I never truly believed that we could actually do the same things that Christ did because I hadn’t experienced it. At least I never believed I could actually…