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Tag: jehu
Monday, March 25 2019
God is moving on Jezebel’s victims to rise up in boldness
Jezebel ruled over the men and women of God in 1 and 2 Kings killing many of the Lord’s prophets and instilling fear over anyone who dared to defy her. She married King Ahab who gave her authority to control people in her kingdom and force Baal worship on the people which included the killing and sacrificing of babies. Ahab, was a weak man, and became a willing instrument in Jezebel’s hands and offended the Lord God more than any king before him. The worst of his many sins was his marriage to the idol-loving Jezebel. He, an Israelite king, began serving Baal—because of her and with her. Baal required the sacrifice of children, often the first-born male child, by sacrifice via fire. They would put fire under the hands of the god Molech and take the babies and tickle them to get them to laugh before placing them in the red-hot hands of Molech and then they would scream as they were being burned alive while beating on drums to drown out the noise of their cries and their parents. Another popular goddess worshiped in the days of Jezebel was Ashtareth, a deity associated with perverse sexuality and fertility. Jezebel defined everything evil…

Monday, March 4 2019
When God anoints you, expect to defeat Jezebel
The spirit of Jezebel is alive and plentiful in today’s world. People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel have the following behavioral traits; Controlling and manipulative Jealous and demanding Selfish and sexually impure Lie to get your way and to control other people and hurt them Desire to shut down the true Holy Spirit Anxious & Fearful (you hear the enemy and are controlled to do what he says or else) Intimidating and dominant Love to provoke people to anger Hear constant chatter from the enemy in your mind and thoughts Desire for power and leadership and ultimately to shut down good ministries who are operating in the Lord Very prideful & twisting the truth (which comes from the spirit of Leviathan) Many people who are in ministry today are operating to some degree in the spirit of Jezebel unless they have gone through deliverance and truly forgiven all who have hurt them in their lives and repented for their pride and sins so their fruit smells good and is Christlike. People with the spirit of Jezebel desire to latch onto people who have the spirit of Ahab who have high positions in ministries / churches or are successful in…

Thursday, April 20 2017
Releasing the Spirit of Jehu
Jehu was anointed by one of Elisha's students to become king over the northern kingdom of Israel. One of his first tasks at hand was to kill queen Jezebel, who was married to Ahab. Jezebel had tried to kill most of the prophets of the Lord as she worshiped Baal. Jezebel was extremely controlling, manipulative, sexually seductive and even murderous. Jehu killed the evil Jezebel which caused those in Israel to turn back to the Lord. Last night in West Hollywood at Radiance International House of Prayer, we released the spirit of Jehu to take out the spirit of Jezebel that has encompassed Hollywood for so long. We declared that Jezebel would be removed from those in Hollywood and LA and then throughout all of California, then throughout the rest of the United States and the world. The power that was released last night was felt throughout the room that we were worshipping the Lord. We could feel a shift in the spirit that will be felt in the region and beyond for years to come. Expect to see people getting set free from the spirit of Jezebel in waves and waves. The exposure of the spirit of Jezebel to…