Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


Most relationships have one person who takes on the same characteristics of Jezebel and the other person like Ahab in 1st and 2nd Kings. People get the Jezebel spirit because of being hurt growing up by their mom or dad or step parent or others or through sexual violations (viewing porn, touched, molested or raped). This causes them to hear demons and they want their own way and to control their spouse and others. They then look for a partner to marry who they can control who is willing to compromise and tolerate their ungodly demands who will give in to them, which is the Ahab spirit. People get the Ahab spirit because they have a parent who gives in and compromises and aligns themselves with that spirit.  Ahabs have a comfort level with their spouse demanding their way in order to help get them what they want.  Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard but when he asked him to sell him his vineyard so he could turn it into a garden Naboth refused.  So Ahab told Jezebel that Naboth refused to sell him his vineyard so she got him the vineyard by coming up with a plan and sending it out…


People around the world all get hurt growing up in various ways.  Most are hurt emotionally through hurtful words from people (often their own father or mother, a step-parent, other relatives, siblings, friends, etc., ) and some are hurt through physical or sexual abuse (or simply being touched sexually from anyone or shown pornography).  When we get hurt we will remember what happened to us as the demons tell us over and over again how evil those people were who took advantage of us so that we cannot truly forgive them in our hearts which gives the demons legal rights to continue to speak to our minds, giving us negative thoughts of anger, fear, anxiety, depression, impure sexual desires, etc.  Then many of those who were wounded come into the church and never get their soul wounds healed or delivered from their demons and continue to hurt people (usually their spouse, children and certain people that they target in the church).  About 85% of marriages (and relationships) consist of one person who has the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan and another who has Ahab.  They work in tandem with each other but never have true godly intimacy.  So to understand…


Everyone has had relationships with people who have been infected by the spirit of Jezebel (1 and 2 Kings) but most have not known it.  Some have read books or blogs on the spirit of Jezebel but few have understood the spiritual roots behind how it happens and fewer still know how to get people who operate in it to be set freed from the effects of it.  There are many Narcissist Groups on Facebook where people gripe, hate and complain about their exes or a parent or other relationships where those who hurt them are called a “narc” but they never know how to truly help those who actually struggle with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) or have compassion for them like Christ.  There are many in the church today who operate in the spirit of Jezebel to some level (both men and women) - as that is the main desire of that spirit – to come into the church and shut down the true Holy Spirit and God’s plans from being able to operate.  They target godly people who are actually doing good to try and stop them.  They want to shut down the true prophetic voice of the…

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