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Tag: liars
Friday, September 6 2024
SATAN HAS HIS SECRET AGENTS IN THE CHURCH Many of Satan’s people attend church, prophesy, teach, lead worship, preach and look ever so religious and spiritual, dressed in church appropriate clothing and are in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s or older so you would never suspect that they could possibly be evil. Some of them pray in tongues (often demonic tongues), act like they intercede in prayer for others, but will seek out to mentor people who have been emotionally hurt and broken in their lives as they are easy targets. They act like they are being touched by the Holy Spirit (yet instead are snapping their heads back and forth and up and down and cackling like witches because of the Kundalini spirit), lay their hands on people acting like they are praying for them but are actually imparting demons to them, even acting like they are doing deliverance but instead giving people more demons instead of delivering them, have evil intentions in their heart and are set on trying to destroy God’s anointed people through accusations, lies and gossiping to as many who will listen to destroy their reputations and effectiveness in the church and their callings. They…

Sunday, July 7 2024
NO COWARDS, SEXUALLY IMMORAL OR LIARS WILL BE IN HEAVEN Revelation 21:8 “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Coward The Bible defines a coward as someone who lacks the courage to do what is right, good, or helpful in a time of need due to fear of consequences. Gideon is often considered the poster boy for fear and cowardice. When God first commanded him to rescue the Israelites from the Midianites, Gideon was hiding in a winepress to escape his enemies (Judges 6:11). Throughout his entire story, Gideon demonstrated fear, anxiety, and doubt. He constantly tested God by asking him to perform signs. Finally he allowed God to change him and eventually became a mighty man of valor and was able to defeat their enemies. He overcame his fear and cowardice. Ahab in 1 and 2 Kings did not overcome his cowardice towards Jezebel his wife as the Bible says he did more evil in the sight of the Lord than all the kings prior because Jezebel stirred him up. Abominable means detestable to God.…

Thursday, June 25 2020
In my ministry of deliverance since 2015 I have become familiar with people who genuinely want to be emotionally healed from their past wounds and delivered from the demons tormenting their mind and body. Those who continue to press in and are honest will own their own issues of needing to work through forgiveness of those who hurt them and pride issues and repentance for the sin that they have done. I am also familiar with people who struggle greatly to be honest and do not want to let go of their demons who then want to waste our time and exhaust us or make us feel sorry for them or threaten us. This blog is written specifically about those who are making a conscious decision to not change and keep the demons that torment them so they can hurt others. I have talked to literally thousands of people who have had so much of their time wasted as they have come to experience that these people they were loving on and trying to help did not actually want to be set free from their demons but only wanted to argue, strive, cry, get their sympathy and prey upon…

Thursday, October 12 2017
People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel will whisper lies about you
The spirit of Jezebel causes people to behave in ways that cause those who are in relationships with them to suffer greatly. Today I am focusing on just a couple of the ways that spirit causes people to do their damage. Keep in mind that people who operate in that spirit hear the voice of the enemy at a loud level within their minds as it controls them like a puppet. They started to hear the voice of the enemy when they received deep emotional (and possibly physical or sexual) wounds from their father or mother. They could not discern between their own thoughts and the enemy’s voice. One of the behaviors of the spirit of Jezebel within a person is that they will lie or tell people half-truths about another person who is their target (often times their own spouse but others who get in their way). If you attend a church together with your spouse and they have Jezebel you will know if they have spoken lies about you to others in the church because those people will look at you with disdain, disgust and usually distance themselves from you so they will not have to talk…

Monday, June 26 2017
Do not be duped into a relationship with someone who has the Jezebel spirit
There are billions of people in the world who are operating in secret out of the spirit of Jezebel who are trying to lure other people into relationship with them. In my ministry I have met thousands of people around the world who have been duped into relationships and tormented marriages with people who have the Jezebel spirit. I personally have extensive experience with this. What happens is that people who have the Jezebel spirit will be very charismatic and often times physically attractive, yet very cunning and deceiving and will behave so loving and debonair initially in order to draw you in. Then once they feel they have you, the real demonic spirit of Jezebel will take over and their true colors will be revealed. They will dominate you with their selfish, controlling and manipulative behavior. They also have a selfish sexual side that wants you to give them what they want, when they want it - or else they either get angry with you or will not give you sex in order to make you do whatever they want. People who operate in the Jezebel spirit would be diagnosed by the psychological community as narcissistic and pathological liars…

Thursday, May 25 2017
People with the Jezebel spirit are professional grade liars
How can you tell if a person is lying to you? Time. People who operate in the Jezebel spirit are professional grade liars who operate out of such an advanced level of deception that it is often extremely hard to discern when they are lying to you. They will appear to be such a loving, caring and genuine person to your face, while lying about you behind your back to people who do not discern that what they are hearing is a lie. If you are dating a person with the Jezebel spirit you will usually not be able to pick it up. All the way through courtship, until it is too late and you say "I do." One man dated his wife for a short period of time, then upon their wedding night, just hours after saying "I do" , had his wife go on a verbal tirade which continued every day and night for the next 6 years until he finally had enough and prayed and the Lord released him. She also became physically abusive to him. Yet appeared all sweet and nice to those she knew in the church so no one perceived how evil she was behind closed…