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UNFORGIVENESS ALLOWS DEMONS TO TORMENT YOUR MIND & BODY In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus talks about a parable of a man who was forgiven a huge debt but he refused to forgive another man who owed him a small amount of money. He was ultimately put in prison and turned over to be tormented. Jesus said the same thing will happen to us if we refuse to forgive others for sinning against us. So what does being tormented mean as Jesus used it as a metaphor? Demons torment people. If we refuse to forgive others then God refuses to forgive us for our sins in Mattthew 6:14-15.   Satan wants to hurt us all deeply through other people so that we will refuse to forgive others so that his demons can torment our thoughts, minds and bodies with accusations, fear, condemnation and sickness and steal all peace. This is why most Christians are tormented similar to non Christians because they have not truly forgiven everyone who hurt them from their hearts like Jesus said.  So how do you truly forgive all who hurt you from your heart like Jesus says. You need to ask Jesus to show you all who hurt…


IT’S HARD TO HAVE GODLY FRUIT WHEN YOU HEAR DEMONIC THOUGHTS ALL DAY How many negative thoughts do you have each day? Thoughts that cause you to have fear. To think a lustful, impure sexual thought? To have thoughts of anger, jealousy, betrayal, rejection, have bitterness, pride, lying…all these are demonic and when you hear a couple thousand of these every day – it will be impossible for you to have godly fruit in your life. Fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. So many people who attend church struggle every day to try to be good yet failing due to being inundated with negative thoughts from demons and then agreeing with those thoughts. This is the true invisible enemy that is a worldwide pandemic that has been going on for centuries. People who get wounded in their lives from their mother, father, siblings, relatives, friends or enemies will hear demonic thoughts in their minds. Their souls have been wounded. Souls are comprised of their mind (thoughts), wills (free wills to choose) and emotions (anger, joy, selfishness, selflessness, jealousy, etc). The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 and found that some people have…


Have you ever known someone who is actively involved in doing good works for their church, community and the world yet treats their spouse, children, employees, members of a ministry or certain people in very harsh, controlling, condescending, gossipy and prideful ways? When you are the recipient of a person who treats you badly while seeing all the good works that they do – how does it make you feel?  Do you feel like they are not the real deal – that they are simply actors or actresses who want the general public to view them as a great person all the while you have seen a side of them that is actually un-Christlike at the best and evil at the worst? How do you think God looks at people who play the role of a person who acts like they are very godly and giving but inside their heart and mind they are mean to those closest to them?  Do you think He can see the truth of who a person really is? 1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for…

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