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Tag: spirit of Leviathan
Tuesday, January 25 2022
Most people struggle with pride, especially people who have been hurt growing up as pride tells you not to trust anyone and that your decisions are always the best. Most people cannot see how prideful they actually are as they are blinded to it. Pride is a spirit which is controlled under the spirit of Leviathan. Chapter 41 of Job talks all about Leviathan. Job 41:34 NKJV 34 He (Leviathan) beholds every high (prideful) thing; He is king over all the children of pride.” How can you tell if you are struggling with pride? Remember that pride got Lucifer kicked out of heaven and then he became Satan. Most religious people in the church have high levels of pride that they cannot see. So how can you discern if you are struggling with pride. Let’s list the signs that you may have pride. Signs of Pride: #1 – Assuming you already know something when someone is teaching When you immediately tune someone out who starts teaching you something that you may be somewhat familiar with, that is an example of pride. It is the assumption that you know everything about the subject being communicated and that this person, whom you see as…
Wednesday, May 12 2021
People around the world all get hurt growing up in various ways. Most are hurt emotionally through hurtful words from people (often their own father or mother, a step-parent, other relatives, siblings, friends, etc., ) and some are hurt through physical or sexual abuse (or simply being touched sexually from anyone or shown pornography). When we get hurt we will remember what happened to us as the demons tell us over and over again how evil those people were who took advantage of us so that we cannot truly forgive them in our hearts which gives the demons legal rights to continue to speak to our minds, giving us negative thoughts of anger, fear, anxiety, depression, impure sexual desires, etc. Then many of those who were wounded come into the church and never get their soul wounds healed or delivered from their demons and continue to hurt people (usually their spouse, children and certain people that they target in the church). About 85% of marriages (and relationships) consist of one person who has the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan and another who has Ahab. They work in tandem with each other but never have true godly intimacy. So to understand…
Wednesday, October 21 2020
The state of the world right now is confusion, anger, fear, twisted truth, lying, deceit, and sexual perversion amongst others. It is a mess. The state of the church is much in the same position as the world as so many have tolerated sin and looked the other way. Of course Satan will attack those in the church as much as he can in order to cause those who are truly of the Lord to be attacked by his people who are not godly but try to act it and then accuse God’s people of things that are false as all it takes is to get people to believe one lie to get them to believe a person is bad instead of good. The spirits of Jezebel, Leviathan and Ahab are three higher ranking demons that cause much of this mess. They are all at work together in the lives of most people in the world to keep the church ineffective, ruin most marriages and cause individual lives to be tormented every day. When people go to the doctor to try to get healed of a pain they must be honest with where the pain is located, what the symptoms…
Tuesday, November 6 2018
Christ is Returning for a Pure & Spotless Bride….Are You Ready?
Many people who attend church regularly today believe that if they would die that they are on their way to heaven. Most who have any type of leadership position believe they are definitely going to get into the pearly gates with no problems. But what does the Bible say? The only one who counts is the Lord God Almighty. Matthew 7:21-23 New King James Version (NKJV) 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Verse 22 states that "Many" will say that they had prophesied and cast out demons in the Lord's name and done many wonders but the Lord will tell them to depart from Him. Why? It's because the Lord knows their hearts and minds. He knows how they treat their spouses and children. He knows if they are in…
Monday, August 27 2018
The Dangers Of Tolerating the Spirits of Jezebel, Ahab & Leviathan
People who grow up with fathers / mothers / step parents who hurt them by either not being involved in their lives, were overly controlling, all the way to abusive, as well as those who had sexual violations (incest, molested, touched, raped, etc) will begin to hear the enemy giving them thoughts to not trust anyone, control others so you won't be hurt again, lie if you need to, get angry so you will get your way, which are all based in fear, and they will have a strong prideful spirit. They partner with the spirits of Jezebel (1 & 2 Kings, Revelation 2:18-23)/ Leviathan (Job 41) and are controlled by the thoughts that come to them by the spirits. They look to find marriage partners and others in relationship who have the spirit of Ahab who do not like confrontation, are weak spiritual leaders, allow people to control and manipulate them, and often times are fearful of being rejected. Most all marriages include one spouse who operates in the spirit of Jezebel to and the other has the spirit of Ahab. Jezebel is the taker and Ahab the giver. Jezebel controls & leads and Ahab gets controlled and follows…
Tuesday, July 10 2018
The main reason most relationships in the world are broken
Unfortunately most relationships and marriages in the world are not at peace and are simply miserable. More than half of all marriages end in divorce (both believers in Christ and non-believers). Hearts are broken as people simply want to be unconditionally loved. What is the main reason behind all of this mess? In one word it comes down to this. Demons. Demons are alive and well in the world as they have been since the earth was created by God and 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven with their leader Lucifer (now Satan). Demons torment people in their minds and thus cause them to buy into their suggestions in their minds to hurt themselves and other people. Demons torment both non-believers and those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior as long as their legal right to stay tormenting them is still intact. One of the reasons they can continue to torment a believer's soul is because they have unforgiveness in their heart towards someone who offended or hurt them. Another reason is because they have a strong spirit of pride that causes them to behave arrogantly and thinking they are better than other people.…