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Tag: trust
Wednesday, July 19 2023
HOW TO DISCERN WHO TO TRUST IN THE CHURCH There are so many in the church today who are living ungodly lives, acting like they are godly and wanting everyone to trust them. Pastors, pastor’s wives, worship leaders, teachers, elders, evangelists, prophets, deliverance ministers, intercessors, security, Holy Spirit filled and everyone in between. So many who were hurt and wounded growing up who have never truly forgiven those who hurt them. Filled with anger, bitterness and pride. Filled with demonic spirits and walking in the fruit of the flesh. So how do you know who is truly of the Lord and who is just acting? Matthew 7:15-20 NKJV You Will Know Them by Their Fruits 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.…

Thursday, July 16 2020
Each week another more evil, sinister and sly plan is released around the world by evil leaders, in our countries, states, cities, towns, and churches. People are focused on COVID-19 while they are missing the much bigger picture of those who are in evil high places as they try to take away more of our freedom and life from people who are healthy and Christian. Little by little they want to control more and more of our lives, trying to instill fear over something that has a 98% cure rate. There are many people who are reporting that they were contacted by their health clinics and informed that they tested positive for the COVID when they never actually stayed to get themselves tested as they had to leave since the wait took too long. Other states are reporting exceedingly high numbers of positive results that are actually false and manufactured to make look much worse than it really is. Now they are trying to force everyone to wear masks that are not effective to stop the virus as indicated on the boxes. The next thing they will try to do is force people to take a vaccine that would infect…

Tuesday, September 25 2018
Who Do You Trust More – Yourself or God?
When you grew up as a child were you raised by two loving parents who protected you from those in the world who wanted to hurt you? Did you feel loved unconditionally? Were you spoken to gently, encouraged, and cared for in ways that made you feel safe? Or were you hurt by a parent, step-parent or sexually violated causing you to feel like you could not trust those in authority over you? For most people in the world the trust that developed in them with their parents was shaken as the enemy caused their parents or others to harm them through words, actions and trauma which caused them to not feel safe or protected. When a child grows up not being able to trust their own parents who were supposed to protect and love them without conditions - their ability to trust God is impacted dramatically. They have thoughts in their minds telling them that they cannot trust their mom or dad. That they are not loved. That they cannot trust anyone because if their parents let them down, how can anyone else be trusted to protect and love them. The enemy tells them lies that they buy into…