It’s a given. The more people’s lives that you affect in a positive way for the Lord, the more that the enemy will come against you. But I would not have it any other way. It is who I have become. Since 2009 I have endured some extreme opposition from the enemy due to the calling in my life. The Lord has called me to help people who have been affected by the most challenging spirits th enemy has. The Jezebel and Leviathan spirits. And I will never back down from the enemy until I have seen millions around the world set free. I have seen many thousands currently that have been set free, so I have some more work to do.
Who has the Lord called you to be? Are you able to withstand some enemy interference, uncomfortableness, lies from people and pain in your life? Or do you shrink back into fear and are persuaded to do less for the Lord so that your enemy warfare will be less? If you are determined to accomplish great things for the Lord, then you will contend with great resistance from the enemy. But it will be far worth it in the end to both you and to the Kingdom of God. It is up to you to not allow the enemy to discourage you or cause you to back down. I am a person who will become more fiery than ever for the Lord if the enemy tries to come against me. My mentality is “Bring it on!” as I will press in more than ever if the enemy tries anything to cause me to be deterred.
So what do you do if the enemy comes against you with a major attack to discourage you? Do you shrink back and stop moving forward and pressing in? Do you cry and want to give up? I implore you that instead of drawing back that you press in even more than ever. No pain no gain mentality. Greater levels mean stronger attacks. But it is always worth it in the end.
When I was in Israel in the fall of 2009 I was on a tour with a group of about 200 people. Most that got off our tour busses just walked a few feet to a local cantina for lunch. About 30% spent an hour walking in very warm temperatures back to where a waterfall was that David used to obtain his water from when he hid from Saul who was trying to kill him. But only one other couple besides me decided to take a very treacherous path up the mountain with no railings to climb to the cave where David hid from Saul. It took another hour to climb and was very challenging. But once you got to the top of the mountain you could see for 30-40 miles all around you. You could easily see the Dead Sea in front of you but you could see such a far distance all around you that you could see your enemy far before he could see you.
When I was up at the top of the mountain the Lord spoke to me. He said that most people who attend church will just go and spend a few hours a week and then when they leave will not do much of anything with their lives for the Lord. They may talk to a friend or two about the Lord, but will not spend the amount of time pressing in, fasting for a week or two or praying in tongues an hour a day. They will not take the time necessary to be more impactful for the Kingdom of God. He said that was the symbol of those who got off the tour busses and just walked a few feet to eat at the local cafe.
Then He said that the symbol of those who walked an hour in the heat to see the waterfall. Those were people who spent more time with the Lord, and became leaders and pastors in the local church. They received more challenges from the enemy and had to endure more spiritual warfare on a weekly basis. They desired to help people and would receive some enemy backlash for what they were doing.
Then He told me that what He had called me to do that very few would be willing to endure the extreme attacks from the enemy on a daily basis as it would be too hard. But He said that I would press in, onward and upward because I wanted to see the greater things that the Lord could do through me. That nothing would deter me. As it would all be worth it in the end. He showed me the view from the top of that mountain and it was spectacular. I knew exactly what He was saying to me. I knew that I would never give up on what the Lord wanted me to accomplish for Him. I wanted to impact millions of lives for the Lord as I was not satisfied with just a few hundred. That was not who I was. I did not care how much suffering that I would have to endure. Nothing would stop me from accomplishing great things for the Lord.
It is not a pride thing with me, it is all about how many lives that can be brought to the Lord, saved from hell, and impact the Kingdom for Christ. So I encourage others to be freed from the enemy, and to press in and do all that the Lord has asked of you. Great things are never accomplished in life if we do not endure some great pains. The more extreme your spiritual warfare and attacks, the more extreme your impact against the enemy is. And it is worth it to the very end. Ultimately you will look back in your life and realize that it was all worth it in the end. That you would not want it any other way. So do not strive about contending with the enemy. It is par for the course. Minimize talking about how the enemy is trying to come against you. Just smile, and realize that the enemy must be angry with you because of all that you are doing and will be doing to impact lives for the Lord.