Demons will speak to you in your mind every day to cause you to believe that most all of your decisions are bad or to tell you to choose something that will ultimately be bad for you. So daily you feel regret, sadness, anger, and beat yourself up and are tormented.
Demons will cause you to regret many decisions from your past and blame, shame and condemn you every day. They will tell you “you should have done this….you should not have done that…” You will feel tormented with no peace whatsoever. Any decisions that turned out really bad they will remind you over and over and over often thousands of times every month for years.
It starts as a child when we get hurt from a parent or relative or are exposed to porn or are sexually molested as the demons will gain legal rights to torment you due to your unforgiveness and then begin to tell you to make various decisions that turn out bad such as smoking, drinking alcohol, looking at porn, having sex with people, getting an abortion, choosing to get into relationships with certain people that ultimately hurt you greatly and then they will remind you that it was all your fault and you should have made better decisions.
Many agonize over the simplest of decisions like what to eat, what grocery items to buy, what clothes to buy, what color of clothing to wear, what to study or read, where to travel, and then they will really be tormented for making bigger decisions such as what cars or houses to buy, who to date, who to marry, where to work, etc.
It’s important to forgive yourself for making mistakes and then take every demonic thought captive as soon as you hear it come into your mind. Declare “I silence every demonic thought in Jesus name”
You can order my book Freedom From Soul Wounds and Demons or request a personal session by clicking on my LinkTree on my profile
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