Many have endured hell when they encountered a woman or man who operated in the Jezebel spirit. It’s because they have demons that they got when they were children from hurts and wounds from a parent or had sexual abuse or exposure to porn. They are intent on destroying everything within those who won’t submit to them. They hurt and abuse you and then lie about you and your reputation to as many who will listen and act like they are the victim instead of the bully and most believe their lies all the while they are behaving in such a deep evil that no one would believe. So when you begin to expose the truth of their evil be prepared for war.
Those who operate in religious spirits in the church will actually protect and partner with those operating in Jezebel. And many have both religious and Jezebel spirits. They team up to come against those who are truly godly and righteous to destroy them together especially with those who have been abused by Jezebel finally come forward pleading for help with their Jezebellic spouse to get them to stop abusing them.
Jezebel attacks God’s true holy and righteous people who refuse to tolerate them (Revelation 2:18-23). Jesus called out the religious Pharisees and they hated Him because their demons of pride couldn’t stand his righteousness. So religious people with demons will partner with those operating in the Jezebel spirit to hate on godly and righteous people to try to get them to leave their church. So be prepared for war when you stand up for Jesus and yourself with boldness and speak the truth and never tolerate religious or Jezebellic people.
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