Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


So many people suffer from hearing thoughts from the enemy (aka demons) every day which causes them to never experience peace in their lives.  I remember when I used to hear the enemy giving me many thoughts a day.  Some would cause me to get jealous, some would tempt me sexually, some would want me to get angry while others would cause me to get into fear over finances.  Demons are very real and most Christians hear them every day of their lives, thousands of times a day.  The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 which found that some people have up to 50-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of the thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive.  You simply cannot have peace or live a godly lifestyle with fruit of the spirit when you have that many negative thoughts. I have talked to thousands of women and men since 2016 who have told me that they have a lot of negative thoughts every day that causes them to never be able to live in peace with their spouses or children.  Some thoughts tell them “your husband doesn’t love you so don’t waste time on him” and…


When a person gets hurt growing up (by anyone; fathers, mothers, step parents, siblings, friends, relatives, sexual violations, etc.) demons are given legal access to remind them of all the injustices and pains they suffered so they will not truly forgive the people who hurt them which allows the demons to give them negative thoughts thousands of times a day (National Science Foundation study of 2005 said up to 50-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of the thoughts are negative and 95% repetitive of the day before).  The thoughts cause them to feel angry, jealous, prideful, fearful, depressed, suicidal, to control other people and to behave sexually immoral, etc.  Demons also cause them to believe things that are not true about not only themselves but other people who don’t do what they want them to do.  It skews their perception of reality to where they believe a false narrative as truth.  It really ruins their relationships with those who love them because they view them as their enemies instead of those who they have hurt to cause them to pull away from them.  They take an offense at everything which causes their spouse to have to walk on egg-shells…


So many people get hurt when growing up from their fathers, mothers, step-parents, siblings, grandfathers or grandmothers, aunts, uncles, teachers, pastors, friends, people and then struggle to live in peace or have healthy relationships the rest of their lives.  And many of them attend church regularly.  Just because a person asks Jesus to come into their hearts does not take away the legal rights of demons from continuing to torment their minds with demonic thoughts of fear, anxiety, anger, control, manipulation, sexual perversion, pride, arguing, striving, fighting, jealousy or rejection. Our souls are comprised of our mind (thoughts), wills (freewills to choose), and emotions.  As long as we continue to harbor unforgiveness in our hearts and minds for those who hurt us deeply – the demons have legal rights to continue tormenting our thoughts and we will not be living a life of peace or joy.  The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 that found that the typical person could have up to 50-60,000 thoughts per day – of which 80% of the thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive.  Those are demonic thoughts that continue to be given to you by demons and then you can’t turn…


Demons cause people to behave contrary to the fruit of the Spirit by speaking to their minds and having them operate in their sinful flesh.  Demons also cause Christians to not want to talk about deliverance from demonic spirits so that they can continue on tormenting their minds and bodies.  Unfortunately this is why most churches have not been able to truly help people find lasting peace or to live in total freedom and walk in God’s health plan since they avoid most anything to do with deliverance even though 1/3 of Jesus’ ministry was helping people get delivered from demons. The most loving thing we can do for people is to help them get freed from the demons that are tormenting them.  In 2005 the National Science Foundation did a study and found that many people had up to 50-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of their thoughts were negative and 95% of their thoughts were repetitive from the same thoughts they had the day before.  When people get delivered from the demons tormenting them they have peace in their mind instead of all the thoughts from the enemy.  Their personalities are stable instead of erratic and then…


Most people around the world are tormented by demons in their mind (thoughts) and then manifest without even realizing it.  Many who attend church and would call themselves Christians also hear from demons in their thoughts (let alone those who are outside the church).  The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 and learned that the average person could have up to 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of the thoughts would be negative and 95% of the thoughts were repetitive of the thoughts from the days before. Demons gain access to people when we endure various wounds in our souls (mind, will and emotions) or when we are physically or sexually harmed as well as when we willingly choose to sin and choose to make confessions to Satan through various ungodly organizations (Freemasons, Shriners, Eastern Star, Skull & Bones, etc.) or if our father or mother or grandparents also have made confessions to Satan through organizations and cursed us.  A soul wound could be someone showing you pornography, speaking words to you that hurt you (could be soft and gentle or harsh and loud), getting rejected by someone who should protect you like a parent,…


It is amazing to watch people’s eyes when they have believed something to be true that ultimately turns out not to be true, whether it is from a personal level, community level, state level or world level. They are in shock first, then angry at those who lied to them. It’s like when you are a parent and have believed one of your children over another. You may have taken action to give a negative consequence to the one you thought deserved it. Then later when you learn that your first child lied about their sibling – now you are really upset over the injustice that was done to the true victim. The enemy knows that when he can convince people that a person is bad when they are actually godly and good then that person will usually not be able to do much for God as people will turn away and shun them. The same principle happens when the enemy can convince people of an agenda that sounds good but it actually turns out to be bad for people. Then when the people actually become aware of the truth they get very angry at those who lied to them.…


When stressful times come – demons cause people to trigger into an alternate personality of fear, anger, jealousy and evil more often and thus arguments and strife will occur at a more frequent pace.  When people don’t know if they should wear a mask or not, aren’t sure if they will get paid from their employer or not, unsure if they can attend their church anymore or eat out at a restaurant or even work out at the gym from one month to the next, then they will feel anxious, worried, fearful, angry, and confused - which leads them into striving and arguing much more than usual.   Thus the demons are speaking to people at a much more bold and frequent level than ever before as they know their time is growing shorter on earth. Also witches are actively cursing people more and having "schools of ministry" online acting like they are Christian when in reality they are teaching people witchcraft and cursing them. July 21 was a recent day of more active curses from witches. I have heard from more people who have heard an increase from the enemy in their minds telling them to do things to argue,…


When Jesus walked the earth those who wanted the love and anointing that He had became true disciples and followers of Him.  They let go of the demons that had legal rights to torment them from their past hurts by listening to what Jesus talked about and then forgiving those who hurt them and repenting for their pride and sin to become like Christ.  Those who hated Jesus had evil hearts and minds and refused to forgive people and kept their pride so were infected with the demons tormenting their thoughts.  Some of the Pharisees and scribes hated Jesus because they were filled with pride, arrogance and jealousy (demons) and wanted to turn other people in the church and region against Him. While most Christians want to get along with all people, unfortunately those who are listening to demons in their minds will manifest against the Jesus in us.  So we will never be able to truly “get along” with people who have hearts and minds that are evil.  If we do tolerate the evil in others (and that includes those in the church today who are like the Pharisees and scribes) then we are not doing what Jesus did…


In my ministry of deliverance since 2015 I have become familiar with people who genuinely want to be emotionally healed from their past wounds and delivered from the demons tormenting their mind and body.   Those who continue to press in and are honest will own their own issues of needing to work through forgiveness of those who hurt them and pride issues and repentance for the sin that they have done.  I am also familiar with people who struggle greatly to be honest and do not want to let go of their demons who then want to waste our time and exhaust us or make us feel sorry for them or threaten us.  This blog is written specifically about those who are making a conscious decision to not change and keep the demons that torment them so they can hurt others. I have talked to literally thousands of people who have had so much of their time wasted as they have come to experience that these people they were loving on and trying to help did not actually want to be set free from their demons but only wanted to argue, strive, cry, get their sympathy and prey upon…


Unfortunately most people in the world have an inaccurate viewpoint of God and how much He loves them and they also do not have a healthy godly fear and respect for Him.  There are not many churches who preach a balanced message on both as most either preach an ALL love and no fear of God message, or an ALL fear and no love from God. Most people will say that God loves them but are conflicted as what love actually is based upon how their own father or mother treated them when growing up and what the church taught them. If a child was not loved unconditionally from their own father or mother then it becomes very challenging to believe that God really loves them unconditionally and not based on their performance - but just because He is love.  Many children were actually hurt deeply by their own dad or mom growing up because of their parent’s own wounds when they were growing up.   When a child gets wounded growing up the enemy begins to torment them in their own minds with voices that cause them to have fear, anger, sexual impurity, pride, control issues, and many other challenges. …

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