I heard the Lord say today “My children many of you have felt like you cannot go on anymore as the spiritual attacks have been too much and too often by friends, foes, family, the church and those at work or in ministry and the church. The financial drain and hardships of the economy have left you with nothing left. Many have to keep track of how much you can spend at the grocery each time so you don’t run out. For some even your apartment and home is in danger of being taken away as the eviction notices have come. Those who have been living sold out for Me will never be sold to the evil ones. They will not take from you what is truly yours.
Understand that I am stretching you greatly – many of you have thought that you can’t take any more of this drought season – but understand during this process I am revealing to you who your real family and friends are. Those who love you unconditionally with no strings attached. Those who love Me with all their hearts. It was important for you to know, My Remnant people. As you all cross over into your “Promised Land” together in the upcoming season – watch to see who really has your back and is not wanting to take from you but to give to you and support you. I love you and know it has been a very dry desert season for you. Watch as the rains fall upon you both spiritually and physically. Money will come from places you never would have guessed. Favor will fall upon you and find you. New healthy connections are happening and will grow. Unhealthy relationships are coming apart.
This is a time to live righteously more than ever to stay under My umbrella covering of protection. Those aligned with false religion are being exposed. Those whose lives are full of sin are being exposed. Many have been delivered from your soul wounds and demons over the last several years. The blessing of the Lord is upon those who are truly living godly lives and will be evident to all around. I will make you the head and no longer the tail. Many will suddenly see shifting in your circumstances in a positive direction as you move into Rosh Hashanah September 25-27. I have you My children and love you so much. It’s time to cross into your “Promised Land” – new jobs, ministries, finances, cars, houses, apartments, moving to new states, new countries and new friends. Here we go!”