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In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus talks about a parable of a man who was forgiven a huge debt but he refused to forgive another man who owed him a small amount of money. He was ultimately put in prison and turned over to be tormented. Jesus said the same thing will happen to us if we refuse to forgive others for sinning against us. So what does being tormented mean as Jesus used it as a metaphor? Demons torment people. If we refuse to forgive others then God refuses to forgive us for our sins in Mattthew 6:14-15.  

Satan wants to hurt us all deeply through other people so that we will refuse to forgive others so that his demons can torment our thoughts, minds and bodies with accusations, fear, condemnation and sickness and steal all peace. This is why most Christians are tormented similar to non Christians because they have not truly forgiven everyone who hurt them from their hearts like Jesus said. 

So how do you truly forgive all who hurt you from your heart like Jesus says. You need to ask Jesus to show you all who hurt you from His perspective so you can see how they got hurt as children and then you can have compassion for those who hurt and abused you. Then give all your anger, bitterness, hurt and toxic emotions to Jesus and ask Him to heal you. Ask Jesus to forgive you for all whom you have hurt. Then command all demons that attached to your soul from those toxic emotions to go to the pit in Jesus name and command them to repair and restore all the damage they did to you. 

Unforgiveness does not mean you reconcile with an abusive person. It means you give all your anger, hatred and hurt to Jesus and give them over to Jesus to deal with. Then you get healed from all your pain. 

You can order my book Freedom From Soul Wounds and Demons or request a personal session by clicking on my LinkTree on my profile 


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